Why the principle of “do no good, you will not get evil” still works
What a pity that kindness It is not always appreciated. Today you sincerely and unselfishly help a friend. And tomorrow he starts using it, pretending that nothing happened.
© Freepik Something similar happened to the heroine of today's history. The desire to help an elderly neighbor in the summer cottage played a cruel joke with the woman. Is it worth it to become a wand for a person, if in the end they just spit on it? Let's deal with it together!
A year ago, my neighbor fell ill. Because of the illness, she had to lie down most of the day. Grandma Rai's daughter lives with her family in the city. They do not visit her very often, because Nastya recently gave birth to her second child. And they live in a small apartment, where there is simply no room for an elderly mother.
My grandmother often called me and asked me to help her. Then go for bread, then bring water, then hang clothes. Although I have a little baby in my arms, I have never turned down a neighbor. After all, the person is old, and I am not difficult.
And then Grandma Raya got worse, and she asked me to stay with her for a while. For two weeks I cooked breakfast, lunch and dinner for the neighbor, cleaned the apartment and supported her. At one point, I caught myself thinking that she was like a mother to me: we were so close.
My daughter and her family arrived, but all this did not happen overnight. Recently, a daughter with her family came to Grandma Raya. Her older sister asked my son to play. Within an hour, Sasha came back almost crying. At first he didn't want to tell you what happened. But I couldn't find a place until I found out what was going on.
It turned out that Paradise's grandmother cooked her lunch and picked fresh berries. And no one called my son to the table, just forgot about his presence. He stayed in the yard, not knowing what to do. Of course, the child was upset.
But it angered me even more. I didn’t let my son in, even though my neighbor’s daughter stayed with her for a week. Have managed to make a fresh barbecue from a pig, and pack a whole trunk of guests home. My grandmother never remembered me during that time.
But when the relatives left, in the yard heard a painfully familiar voice: “Tonechka, sunshine, I ran out of oil.” Could you run to the store, please? It made me very angry. I told Grandma Ray that the oil should have been reported to my daughter while she was here. I'm tired and I'm not going to be her errand anymore.
Apparently, my words hurt my neighbor very much. Since then, she has not said hello to me. Oh, that's good. Why doesn’t anyone appreciate being kind to people and think it’s okay? I helped Grandma Raya from the bottom of my heart, but I think she was very ugly!
It is unlikely that the heroine will harbor a grudge against an elderly neighbor. However, you will agree, an unpleasant residue still remained. In her place, we would visit Grandma Paradise and talk to her heart-to-heart. Most likely, the woman simply does not understand what the problem is and why they stopped communicating with her.
Maybe the neighbor will contact you first. She doesn’t visit her as often as she would like. Grandma Paradise will corny need at least some communication and company. We are sure that if she understands the reason for the disagreement, she will just apologize and everything will be fine. What do you say?
Tell me, would you put up with your neighbor after such a situation? Boldly share your impressions in the comments!

© Freepik Something similar happened to the heroine of today's history. The desire to help an elderly neighbor in the summer cottage played a cruel joke with the woman. Is it worth it to become a wand for a person, if in the end they just spit on it? Let's deal with it together!
A year ago, my neighbor fell ill. Because of the illness, she had to lie down most of the day. Grandma Rai's daughter lives with her family in the city. They do not visit her very often, because Nastya recently gave birth to her second child. And they live in a small apartment, where there is simply no room for an elderly mother.

My grandmother often called me and asked me to help her. Then go for bread, then bring water, then hang clothes. Although I have a little baby in my arms, I have never turned down a neighbor. After all, the person is old, and I am not difficult.

And then Grandma Raya got worse, and she asked me to stay with her for a while. For two weeks I cooked breakfast, lunch and dinner for the neighbor, cleaned the apartment and supported her. At one point, I caught myself thinking that she was like a mother to me: we were so close.
My daughter and her family arrived, but all this did not happen overnight. Recently, a daughter with her family came to Grandma Raya. Her older sister asked my son to play. Within an hour, Sasha came back almost crying. At first he didn't want to tell you what happened. But I couldn't find a place until I found out what was going on.

It turned out that Paradise's grandmother cooked her lunch and picked fresh berries. And no one called my son to the table, just forgot about his presence. He stayed in the yard, not knowing what to do. Of course, the child was upset.
But it angered me even more. I didn’t let my son in, even though my neighbor’s daughter stayed with her for a week. Have managed to make a fresh barbecue from a pig, and pack a whole trunk of guests home. My grandmother never remembered me during that time.

But when the relatives left, in the yard heard a painfully familiar voice: “Tonechka, sunshine, I ran out of oil.” Could you run to the store, please? It made me very angry. I told Grandma Ray that the oil should have been reported to my daughter while she was here. I'm tired and I'm not going to be her errand anymore.
Apparently, my words hurt my neighbor very much. Since then, she has not said hello to me. Oh, that's good. Why doesn’t anyone appreciate being kind to people and think it’s okay? I helped Grandma Raya from the bottom of my heart, but I think she was very ugly!
It is unlikely that the heroine will harbor a grudge against an elderly neighbor. However, you will agree, an unpleasant residue still remained. In her place, we would visit Grandma Paradise and talk to her heart-to-heart. Most likely, the woman simply does not understand what the problem is and why they stopped communicating with her.

Maybe the neighbor will contact you first. She doesn’t visit her as often as she would like. Grandma Paradise will corny need at least some communication and company. We are sure that if she understands the reason for the disagreement, she will just apologize and everything will be fine. What do you say?
Tell me, would you put up with your neighbor after such a situation? Boldly share your impressions in the comments!