How to Block Former Lovers on Social Media
“What to do if The relationship with the lover is deadlocked?? or "How to decide to break the futile union if necessary?" - these are the questions the editorial board "Site" I have prepared detailed answers today.
We share the heartwarming story of 36-year-old Angelina and invite you to act as an expert, assessing our advice on this situation!
He is a single Tajik, perfectly fluent in Russian. I am a married mother of two beautiful children. We met at work and immediately felt an incredibly strong attraction to each other. But we firmly decided that we would not cross the line.
“Only business relations and nothing more!” – time after time I twitched myself at the slightest impulse to violate our agreement. But what happened happened happened. And, to be honest, until recently, I never regretted the manifestation of this female weakness.
As for my husband, my marriage was never perfect. Our union has been on the verge of collapse more than once. But because of the children, we never allowed ourselves to be led by our feelings and did not dare to divorce.
We have always tried to improve the atmosphere in the family. After all, they understood how important it is to create a healthy emotional environment for their psychological state and normal development. But at the same time, both understood that we are united only by common obligations, not by bright feelings (as it was in the beginning).
My husband also had a woman on the side. One day we decided to talk honestly and confessed everything to each other. And I must say that after this conversation, I felt happy for the first time in a long time.
But a few months ago, my lover got married, and I was depressed again. The bride was chosen for him by his family, so it is customary for them. And he warned me that would happen. So I have no right to be angry with him. I knew exactly what I was doing.
But I just don't know what to do. There's no power to end a relationship. And he's not going to be the first to do it, and he told me right away.
Saying goodbye to loved ones always hurts. But sometimes breaking up is the only sure way to regain peace of mind. Therefore, in such a situation, you should still dare to take a decisive step. Not only for our own happiness, but also for the well-being of our loved ones. In the case of our heroine, of course, this applies to her children.
To let a person out of his life, when the heart still warms bright feelings for him, you need to look at the situation from the outside. Not through the prism of subjectivity.
It is necessary to consider everything concerning this person as rationally as possible. Find real reasons that such a relationship has no chance of further development.
In the case of our narrator, there are many such reasons: relatives, cultural differences, traditions, religion and so on.
If you understand everything and soberly assess the situation, it will become much easier to understand that it is time for your ways to separate. And instead of killing yourself, you can just say thank you for all the good things that happened between you and say good-bye.

We share the heartwarming story of 36-year-old Angelina and invite you to act as an expert, assessing our advice on this situation!
He is a single Tajik, perfectly fluent in Russian. I am a married mother of two beautiful children. We met at work and immediately felt an incredibly strong attraction to each other. But we firmly decided that we would not cross the line.

“Only business relations and nothing more!” – time after time I twitched myself at the slightest impulse to violate our agreement. But what happened happened happened. And, to be honest, until recently, I never regretted the manifestation of this female weakness.

As for my husband, my marriage was never perfect. Our union has been on the verge of collapse more than once. But because of the children, we never allowed ourselves to be led by our feelings and did not dare to divorce.

We have always tried to improve the atmosphere in the family. After all, they understood how important it is to create a healthy emotional environment for their psychological state and normal development. But at the same time, both understood that we are united only by common obligations, not by bright feelings (as it was in the beginning).

My husband also had a woman on the side. One day we decided to talk honestly and confessed everything to each other. And I must say that after this conversation, I felt happy for the first time in a long time.
But a few months ago, my lover got married, and I was depressed again. The bride was chosen for him by his family, so it is customary for them. And he warned me that would happen. So I have no right to be angry with him. I knew exactly what I was doing.

But I just don't know what to do. There's no power to end a relationship. And he's not going to be the first to do it, and he told me right away.
Saying goodbye to loved ones always hurts. But sometimes breaking up is the only sure way to regain peace of mind. Therefore, in such a situation, you should still dare to take a decisive step. Not only for our own happiness, but also for the well-being of our loved ones. In the case of our heroine, of course, this applies to her children.

To let a person out of his life, when the heart still warms bright feelings for him, you need to look at the situation from the outside. Not through the prism of subjectivity.
It is necessary to consider everything concerning this person as rationally as possible. Find real reasons that such a relationship has no chance of further development.
In the case of our narrator, there are many such reasons: relatives, cultural differences, traditions, religion and so on.

If you understand everything and soberly assess the situation, it will become much easier to understand that it is time for your ways to separate. And instead of killing yourself, you can just say thank you for all the good things that happened between you and say good-bye.
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