Why experienced housewives sterilize cans in the microwave
I went to my parents' house yesterday and wanted to have a quick meal. I take a plate of soup and my dad just smiles and says, "Your mother has an empty can in the microwave." This is an exciting (and ironic) game called “Spinning for Winter.”
Tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, and cherries, raspberries, currants - all the gifts of the cottage are processed in the kitchen by the whole family in order to enjoy delicious vegetables, fruits and berries in the winter.
Empty can in the microwave before spinning jam-can or salad, containers for storage of raznosols must be sterilized to destroy bacteria that provoke spoilage and rotting of workpieces, and through the fault of which the rolled can can can “explode”.
We used to sterilize the steam from the kettle, which is the classic way. Until my mom's friend told us to use the microwave. And why didn't I know this before...
Today's edition. "Site" I will tell you, dear reader, why experienced housewives sterilize. microwave. Please note that it is also important to select only proven recipes for winter blanks, so as not to regret later on the lids that flew into the air!
It turns out that in microwave ovens you can not only warm up food, melt chocolate for dessert, but also sterilize For blanks. However, many housewives still doubt whether it is possible to sterilize glass containers in a microwave oven. Not only possible, but also very convenient! And now I'll tell you why.
First of all, it saves time. Sterilization of cans in the microwave takes 3 minutes, while when using a steam bath, the process is prolonged to half an hour, or even more. Secondly, the kitchen will not have steam and suffocating heat, as when used water-bathThis is a huge plus in the summer.
In addition, microbes are twice affected: microwaves and hot steam.
But there is a downside to this method. In the microwave, no more than 4-5 cans (0.5-1 l) can be sterilized at the same time. A three-liter will fit only one, and then it should be placed sideways. The disadvantage of this method is that a lot of electricity is consumed.
There are as many as 3 ways containerization for winter blanks: with water, without water and already directly with the blanks themselves.
In my opinion, the easiest and most effective way is sterilization without water. First you need to thoroughly wash with soda containers for future blanks. See that there are no chips and cracks on them, otherwise the bank may burst from heating.
Empty clean cans should be put in the microwave with a glass of water. Do not fill the glass to the brim, leave 3-4 cm, otherwise it will boil out - on a rotating pallet.
The glass is better placed in the middle of the camera, around it is worth putting empty jars. The sterilization time takes about 5 minutes at a microwave power of 0.75 kW.
Prix sterilization In the jar you need to pour about 2 centimeters of water. It is advisable to use filtered - it leaves no traces of lime when boiling.
A small jar is sterilized for about 3 minutes if you need to increase it for a few minutes. A 3-liter jar should be placed on its side, having previously poured some water into it. Do not forget to sterilize the covers with the usual method.
You can also sterilize if you have already filled the containers with vegetables or berries. Pour in them a little marinade or syrup, sterilize for three minutes, and then pour a boiling marinade and quickly sunset.
I also suggest you learn about sterilization of cans in a cold way. If at least 10 minutes is sterilized over the vapor of 0.7 liters, then 20-30 seconds is cold, the difference is noticeable.
Plans for the weekend - sterilize and twist, and again in a new circle. So don't let my husband be surprised - there will be an empty microwave jar in my kitchen.
What method? cerilize You? Share your experience with us in the comments!
Tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, and cherries, raspberries, currants - all the gifts of the cottage are processed in the kitchen by the whole family in order to enjoy delicious vegetables, fruits and berries in the winter.

Empty can in the microwave before spinning jam-can or salad, containers for storage of raznosols must be sterilized to destroy bacteria that provoke spoilage and rotting of workpieces, and through the fault of which the rolled can can can “explode”.
We used to sterilize the steam from the kettle, which is the classic way. Until my mom's friend told us to use the microwave. And why didn't I know this before...

Today's edition. "Site" I will tell you, dear reader, why experienced housewives sterilize. microwave. Please note that it is also important to select only proven recipes for winter blanks, so as not to regret later on the lids that flew into the air!
It turns out that in microwave ovens you can not only warm up food, melt chocolate for dessert, but also sterilize For blanks. However, many housewives still doubt whether it is possible to sterilize glass containers in a microwave oven. Not only possible, but also very convenient! And now I'll tell you why.

First of all, it saves time. Sterilization of cans in the microwave takes 3 minutes, while when using a steam bath, the process is prolonged to half an hour, or even more. Secondly, the kitchen will not have steam and suffocating heat, as when used water-bathThis is a huge plus in the summer.
In addition, microbes are twice affected: microwaves and hot steam.

But there is a downside to this method. In the microwave, no more than 4-5 cans (0.5-1 l) can be sterilized at the same time. A three-liter will fit only one, and then it should be placed sideways. The disadvantage of this method is that a lot of electricity is consumed.
There are as many as 3 ways containerization for winter blanks: with water, without water and already directly with the blanks themselves.
In my opinion, the easiest and most effective way is sterilization without water. First you need to thoroughly wash with soda containers for future blanks. See that there are no chips and cracks on them, otherwise the bank may burst from heating.

Empty clean cans should be put in the microwave with a glass of water. Do not fill the glass to the brim, leave 3-4 cm, otherwise it will boil out - on a rotating pallet.
The glass is better placed in the middle of the camera, around it is worth putting empty jars. The sterilization time takes about 5 minutes at a microwave power of 0.75 kW.

Prix sterilization In the jar you need to pour about 2 centimeters of water. It is advisable to use filtered - it leaves no traces of lime when boiling.
A small jar is sterilized for about 3 minutes if you need to increase it for a few minutes. A 3-liter jar should be placed on its side, having previously poured some water into it. Do not forget to sterilize the covers with the usual method.
You can also sterilize if you have already filled the containers with vegetables or berries. Pour in them a little marinade or syrup, sterilize for three minutes, and then pour a boiling marinade and quickly sunset.

I also suggest you learn about sterilization of cans in a cold way. If at least 10 minutes is sterilized over the vapor of 0.7 liters, then 20-30 seconds is cold, the difference is noticeable.

Plans for the weekend - sterilize and twist, and again in a new circle. So don't let my husband be surprised - there will be an empty microwave jar in my kitchen.
What method? cerilize You? Share your experience with us in the comments!
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