List of necessary Polish verbs for communication

It seems reckless to travel to another country without knowing the language to communicate with its inhabitants. But when a decision is made to travel, there is often no time to sit down for textbooks. You cannot learn a language in a month or two. However, we are editorial "Site" Today we will tell you how you can in a short time. Polish for beginners Get over it.

Knowing the most popular Polish verbs is something. But these are just isolated words. And what good is even an impressive vocabulary if you don't know how to use words in context? For this reason, experts agree that it is better to teach phrases at once - so it will be more useful. Therefore, we offer verbs immediately in context.

First of all, we note that in Polish the emphasis falls on the penultimate syllable. And to read the words and phrases you got right, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the transcription, which will help to achieve an acceptable pronunciation.

Obudzić się rano – to wake up in the early morning.

Wstać rano – get up early in the morning.

pójść do toalety - go to the toilet

umyć się - to wash;

umyć zęby – brush your teeth.


znale ć okulary - find glasses

zrobić makijaż – makeup.

sprzątnąć mieszkanie - to clean the apartment;

zapomnieć kluczy – forget the keys

zjeść śniadanie - to have breakfast;

pójść do pracy – go to work

chcieć zjeść coś dobrego – wanting to eat something tasty

zaprosić koleżankę na obiad - invite a girlfriend to lunch

wypić kawę – drink coffee

zrobić zakupy – make purchases;

zadzwonić do kolegi – call a friend

Pobawić się z dziećmi – play with children

Posłuchać muzyki – listen to music

Required phrases in Polish "Dzień dobry!" - Good afternoon! The most universal greeting with which Poles begin most of their conversations. In the evening they say hello in a similar way - "Dobry wieczór!"

"Nie rozumiem po polsku" - Don't understand Polish. A phrase that will save you in a situation where you can not explain to the locals. Be sure that they will use all possible ways to eventually convey the necessary information to you.

"Prosze, jak mogę się dostać...?" - Excuse me, how can I get to...? At the end of the sentence, indicate the place where you need to go, whether it is a hotel, a museum, a cafe or a local attraction.

"Ile to Kosztuje?" - How much does it cost? A phrase you can't do without if you're at a local market or fair. There's a lot of interesting stuff here.

"Palce lizać" - It's just a good finger. This phrase can always please the waiter or cook, thanks to which you managed to eat deliciously. And at a party at the table to say these words will be appropriate.

Learning the basics of a foreign language - a lot of work. Even the biggest things start with something small. Therefore, be bold to begin to study what you need. Even modest results are better than nothing.


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