Why did the daughter-in-law leave the late child?
There are many different opinions about pregnancy after 30 years. Some people consider this age inappropriate for a number of objective reasons. And someone predicts his status as a modern reality. Anyway, late-child This is a miracle for parents. But is it really that rosy?
Editorial "Site" I have prepared for you a very unusual story from the life of a woman. This case will clearly show what can lead to pregnancyUnless you're ready for her. In addition, at the end of the article you will find a list of positive and negative features of late babies, which you should definitely know.
My son got married at an advanced age. Then he was 39 years old, and his chosen one Tatiana – 36. Roman said that they met by chance in the park and their relationship began to develop rapidly. So the young married quickly and began to live together. All his life Roma cherished the thought of a little son, and I - about a grandson. But Tanya’s age did not give hope for the realization of our cherished dreams.
After 2 years of marriage, Tanya found out that she was pregnant. Despite her previous marriage, she was her first child. Although Tatiana was 38 years old, she refused to undergo the necessary examination. Roman was very worried about the health of his wife and future son. Therefore, for 9 months he supported Tanya and attended the birth. After the birth of the child, doctors reported terrible news: the baby has an incurable disease that will remain with him for life.
While in the hospital, Tatiana was not herself. Grief and sadness completely consumed her. And then, without warning us, she showed up at home a day before her scheduled discharge from the hospital. Alone. No baby. The daughter-in-law said that she had made a decision and was not ready to raise a sick child. When Tanya fell asleep, I decided to talk to my son. I tried to tell him that we can't just leave our little man in the hospital. We have to take care of him, give him the love and warmth that the baby needs so much. He is the only one in this world that we have.
That night I couldn’t close my eyes. All my thoughts revolved around my little defenseless grandson. The child already feels that he was abandoned, because the children feel and understand everything. This morning, my agony ended. Roman firmly stated that he agreed with me and wanted to take his son home. Then we decided to discuss everything with Tatiana. I knew it was really hard for her. But she needed to calm down a little after everything that had happened. I was sure she made that decision emotionally, spontaneously.
When we said we were picking up the baby from the hospital, Tatiana made a scene. She never stopped saying that she would not raise such a child. But we decided it was stress. That same day, my grandson was home. Roma named him Vanechka after his beloved father. His daughter-in-law never approached him. After a while, Tanya disappeared from our lives. She honestly said that she would not be able to love her son and would no longer live with Roman. Since then, we have three people: me, Roma and our beloved Vanechka. As hard as it was sometimes, I never regretted my decision. Now we're happy!
“We are responsible for those we have tamed.” Indeed, no matter how cruel life may be, we must accept its blows with our heads held high. Late pregnancy has its own risks.which must be taken into account. First of all, you need to seriously monitor your health and in no case neglect medical examinations. This short story shows how irresponsible people can be. The late child has its own characteristics. It is very important to get acquainted with them in advance to be prepared for everything.
Features of the late child Positive features
Negative features
Late child in the family Great responsibility for parents. For the birth of such a baby, you need to prepare both physically and morally. Of course, this is especially true of the mother. But, despite all possible difficulties, the baby will forever change your life and make you a truly happy person!

Editorial "Site" I have prepared for you a very unusual story from the life of a woman. This case will clearly show what can lead to pregnancyUnless you're ready for her. In addition, at the end of the article you will find a list of positive and negative features of late babies, which you should definitely know.
My son got married at an advanced age. Then he was 39 years old, and his chosen one Tatiana – 36. Roman said that they met by chance in the park and their relationship began to develop rapidly. So the young married quickly and began to live together. All his life Roma cherished the thought of a little son, and I - about a grandson. But Tanya’s age did not give hope for the realization of our cherished dreams.

After 2 years of marriage, Tanya found out that she was pregnant. Despite her previous marriage, she was her first child. Although Tatiana was 38 years old, she refused to undergo the necessary examination. Roman was very worried about the health of his wife and future son. Therefore, for 9 months he supported Tanya and attended the birth. After the birth of the child, doctors reported terrible news: the baby has an incurable disease that will remain with him for life.

While in the hospital, Tatiana was not herself. Grief and sadness completely consumed her. And then, without warning us, she showed up at home a day before her scheduled discharge from the hospital. Alone. No baby. The daughter-in-law said that she had made a decision and was not ready to raise a sick child. When Tanya fell asleep, I decided to talk to my son. I tried to tell him that we can't just leave our little man in the hospital. We have to take care of him, give him the love and warmth that the baby needs so much. He is the only one in this world that we have.

That night I couldn’t close my eyes. All my thoughts revolved around my little defenseless grandson. The child already feels that he was abandoned, because the children feel and understand everything. This morning, my agony ended. Roman firmly stated that he agreed with me and wanted to take his son home. Then we decided to discuss everything with Tatiana. I knew it was really hard for her. But she needed to calm down a little after everything that had happened. I was sure she made that decision emotionally, spontaneously.

When we said we were picking up the baby from the hospital, Tatiana made a scene. She never stopped saying that she would not raise such a child. But we decided it was stress. That same day, my grandson was home. Roma named him Vanechka after his beloved father. His daughter-in-law never approached him. After a while, Tanya disappeared from our lives. She honestly said that she would not be able to love her son and would no longer live with Roman. Since then, we have three people: me, Roma and our beloved Vanechka. As hard as it was sometimes, I never regretted my decision. Now we're happy!

“We are responsible for those we have tamed.” Indeed, no matter how cruel life may be, we must accept its blows with our heads held high. Late pregnancy has its own risks.which must be taken into account. First of all, you need to seriously monitor your health and in no case neglect medical examinations. This short story shows how irresponsible people can be. The late child has its own characteristics. It is very important to get acquainted with them in advance to be prepared for everything.
Features of the late child Positive features
- It is believed that late children easily adapt to people of completely different ages.
- Parents spend as much time as possible on their late children. Therefore, they can develop in absolutely all directions. And the family will do everything to make the children comfortable.
- Interesting fact. Significantly more prodigies are born in women over 30 years old.
- A young child becomes self-sufficient and disciplined very early. This can help in the future education of the child, but also cause children's protests at a young age.
Negative features
- The child learns what fear is, too soon. This is dictated by the mature age of parents, the knowledge of what death is, and the fear that parents will not become.
- Sometimes parents demand too much from a late child. Especially if he is the only child in the family. This attitude can adversely affect the development of the nervous system of the baby.
- Sometimes, later children feel the psychological weakness of their parents, so they can easily manipulate mom and dad.
- A late child may be too vulnerable and take to heart other people’s negative attitudes toward their parents.
- Often, late children are born with Down syndrome, autism and other ailments. In addition, such children are prone to a manic-depressive state.
Late child in the family Great responsibility for parents. For the birth of such a baby, you need to prepare both physically and morally. Of course, this is especially true of the mother. But, despite all possible difficulties, the baby will forever change your life and make you a truly happy person!