What will help the system of Soviet teacher Makarenko modern parents
The system of education of the outstanding Soviet teacher Anton Makarenko includes only 8 rules.
Nevertheless, it is still one of the most effective.
So today's editorial office. "Site" And I decided to share it with you.
The art of parenting
The main principle of raising children Makarenko considers not only love, but also respect.
“Never forget that a child is, first of all, a person,” the teacher reminds.
Nevertheless, it is still one of the most effective.

So today's editorial office. "Site" And I decided to share it with you.
The art of parenting
- Teach your child to set real goals. Do not demand from your child grandiose results in a case that he is given with difficulty. For example, finding a deuce in the school diary on any subject, agree with the child that the next time the mark will be satisfactory, and not immediately excellent.
690068 - Be more interested in the hobbies of the child and help him realize his own dreams, not impose your own. Do not force a child to correct the mistakes of his youth. If you can’t become a famous artist, just put up with it, and do not force the child to attend hated lessons on solfeggio.
- Let your child make his own mistakes. It is clear that every parent wants to protect his child from all the adversity of the world. However, excessive guardianship will not help the child to withstand life's troubles, but on the contrary, will make him weaker.
Provide support for the child. Be his insurance, but let yourself conquer the peaks and face defeats. - Make sure that in the future your child does not bother sad childhood memories. Be a good example for a child. After all, children tend to adopt behavior and habits from adults who surround them.
- Motivate the child to personal development. Praise him for his success and encourage him when instead of the cherished first place in the competition he will take only third. Take part in the activities that bring him joy. After all, it is extremely important for children to receive parental approval and support, whatever it may be.
- Earn the child's trust. Do not constantly tell the baby what to do and scold for harmless small leprosy. A child is not a robot. It does not need to be programmed to obey. It is enough to make him want to hear your opinion and take advice.
- Teach your child to be organized. Make a list of rules that every family member must follow. And be sure to explain to the child why you need to follow these rules in the most accessible form.
For example, the obligation to brush your teeth at night can be argued that it will help keep your teeth healthy. And so on. - Come up with a loyal punishment for misconduct. And if the child is guilty, first of all it is necessary to calmly talk to him. Try to find out the reason for this behavior and explain why his actions upset you.
But shouting and assault definitely will not lead to anything good.
The main principle of raising children Makarenko considers not only love, but also respect.
“Never forget that a child is, first of all, a person,” the teacher reminds.