Is it worth staying with a wife who does not support you at all?
It's no secret that marriage It could happen at any time. Someone faces them almost immediately, and someone difficulties overtake many years after the wedding. Surprisingly, living together makes it clear what kind of person you have connected your life with. And sometimes the discoveries that people make are disappointing.
Today's edition. "Site" I will share with you an instructive story from life. The case we are going to talk about has long been the norm in modern society. And we'll be interested to know what you think about it. At the end of the article, we will tell you how to understand Your loved one is using you..
My brother Igor works as the head of one of the departments in a large bank. He always made good money and just recently bought one in the city center. He began to give it, and he continued to save money for the future. Igoresha always helped my grandparents, my mother and me. I love and respect my older brother for all his actions. Calm, kind, quiet and wise Igor has always been an example for me.
Igor recently introduced us to his girlfriend. His wife looks very much like his brother. She is as wonderful and calm as he is. Therefore, I was sincerely glad when Igoresha proposed to Vera. Luxury wedding, huge diamond on the finger, chic white dress. It is clear that all expenses were borne by the brother. But right after the wedding, Igor called me and asked me for advice.
Do you think I should buy a new apartment now? It's just that I'm being offered a lucrative contract in Europe and maybe we'll move. But Verunchik still wants to buy an apartment here. He says it's gonna be more peaceful.
- Igor, if you plan to stay in the city and have children, then buy two. You can repair it immediately and live there. If you want to leave, buying an apartment is pointless.
But Igor listened to his wife. And the choice fell on a 3-room apartment in a new building. As a result, there was simply not enough money for repairs, and my brother had to get a loan. Vera offered to stay with her parents until things settle down. She was used to luxury, so one Igor did not suit her. When they moved, I completely lost touch with my brother. But I wasn't upset. After all, Igor now has a new life and his troubles.
After six months, Igor called me again and asked me to shelter him for the night. I heard he was very concerned about something. At that time I was in the country, so Igoresh stayed at my house without any problems. And when I got back, my brother told me what happened.
- You know, I asked Vera for payday money to pay off the loan. She gave, and I was paid an advance the same day. Of course, I immediately returned her money. Said it was okay and I could handle it myself. And she says to me, "That's it." You don't want me to help you get this apartment back? To tell me I wasn't involved in this?!
Igor's gone. What's the logic? They are already a family and a shared apartment. He bought it for Vera, actually. And now this... Mother-in-law's also connected. As a result, the brother was accused of wanting to appropriate an apartment, and kicked out. So he came to me. And now he wants to ask the tenants to move out to move to the same one.
In the new apartment Igor still plans to make repairs. He thinks that he will soon reconcile with his wife, because he loves her so much and wants to keep the family. I don’t know why, to be honest, he has such a relationship. Just to think, for some nonsense, Vera is ready to ruin their marriage. They also connect their parents and take their side. I think my new family is more important. Anyway, I'm sorry about Igores. If he makes peace with her, he will dance to her tune all his life. And why do people like Vera come across such decent and decent men?
This short story clearly shows how serious it can be. marriage. Especially when family disputes are based on money. Unfortunately, this happens very often. The main thing is to understand in time that you are simply being used, and stop toxic relationships with the person. Nothing good can be expected from them. But how do you feel that a loved one is sitting on your neck and waiting for another salary? We'll talk about that later.
How to know if you are being used
Marriage problems It is a normal phenomenon familiar to many people. But, unfortunately, not everyone copes with difficulties. This is often due to a common misunderstanding. Talk to your partner more often, touching on a variety of topics. Sometimes it takes a couple of right words to build a relationship with your loved one. If you have experienced such situations, share your experience in the comments. Who knows, maybe your story will help someone.

Today's edition. "Site" I will share with you an instructive story from life. The case we are going to talk about has long been the norm in modern society. And we'll be interested to know what you think about it. At the end of the article, we will tell you how to understand Your loved one is using you..
My brother Igor works as the head of one of the departments in a large bank. He always made good money and just recently bought one in the city center. He began to give it, and he continued to save money for the future. Igoresha always helped my grandparents, my mother and me. I love and respect my older brother for all his actions. Calm, kind, quiet and wise Igor has always been an example for me.
Igor recently introduced us to his girlfriend. His wife looks very much like his brother. She is as wonderful and calm as he is. Therefore, I was sincerely glad when Igoresha proposed to Vera. Luxury wedding, huge diamond on the finger, chic white dress. It is clear that all expenses were borne by the brother. But right after the wedding, Igor called me and asked me for advice.

Do you think I should buy a new apartment now? It's just that I'm being offered a lucrative contract in Europe and maybe we'll move. But Verunchik still wants to buy an apartment here. He says it's gonna be more peaceful.
- Igor, if you plan to stay in the city and have children, then buy two. You can repair it immediately and live there. If you want to leave, buying an apartment is pointless.

But Igor listened to his wife. And the choice fell on a 3-room apartment in a new building. As a result, there was simply not enough money for repairs, and my brother had to get a loan. Vera offered to stay with her parents until things settle down. She was used to luxury, so one Igor did not suit her. When they moved, I completely lost touch with my brother. But I wasn't upset. After all, Igor now has a new life and his troubles.
After six months, Igor called me again and asked me to shelter him for the night. I heard he was very concerned about something. At that time I was in the country, so Igoresh stayed at my house without any problems. And when I got back, my brother told me what happened.
- You know, I asked Vera for payday money to pay off the loan. She gave, and I was paid an advance the same day. Of course, I immediately returned her money. Said it was okay and I could handle it myself. And she says to me, "That's it." You don't want me to help you get this apartment back? To tell me I wasn't involved in this?!

Igor's gone. What's the logic? They are already a family and a shared apartment. He bought it for Vera, actually. And now this... Mother-in-law's also connected. As a result, the brother was accused of wanting to appropriate an apartment, and kicked out. So he came to me. And now he wants to ask the tenants to move out to move to the same one.

In the new apartment Igor still plans to make repairs. He thinks that he will soon reconcile with his wife, because he loves her so much and wants to keep the family. I don’t know why, to be honest, he has such a relationship. Just to think, for some nonsense, Vera is ready to ruin their marriage. They also connect their parents and take their side. I think my new family is more important. Anyway, I'm sorry about Igores. If he makes peace with her, he will dance to her tune all his life. And why do people like Vera come across such decent and decent men?
This short story clearly shows how serious it can be. marriage. Especially when family disputes are based on money. Unfortunately, this happens very often. The main thing is to understand in time that you are simply being used, and stop toxic relationships with the person. Nothing good can be expected from them. But how do you feel that a loved one is sitting on your neck and waiting for another salary? We'll talk about that later.

How to know if you are being used
- If your boyfriend or girlfriend He refuses to introduce you to his family.It's worth thinking about. You may not be considered a permanent partner. Relationships are generally not taken very seriously. But don't jump to conclusions. Talk to the person honestly and find out what the problem is.
- Lover Not interested in your wishes. He only does what he wants. In this situation, you can be manipulated and pressured. This problem must be solved in its very beginning, otherwise in the future it can cause more serious injuries.
- An inadequate response to your precarious financial situation is another wake-up call. For example, your salary is delayed and your girlfriend or wife is delayed. makes claims on you. She probably only wants money from you.
- If your partner only calls you when they need something, there’s clearly something wrong. And believe me, this kind of behavior is immediately felt. You'll feel like You need people for specific purposes.. For example, fix a leaky faucet, take the car to your parents and so on. You need to reconsider your views on relationships.
- A girl never Do not offer to share the check in the restaurant Or pay for your coffee. A very common example, but such a worker! In modern society, it is very easy to identify a person who needs only material goods from you. He will deliberately use you and your money to manipulate you. So be careful.
Marriage problems It is a normal phenomenon familiar to many people. But, unfortunately, not everyone copes with difficulties. This is often due to a common misunderstanding. Talk to your partner more often, touching on a variety of topics. Sometimes it takes a couple of right words to build a relationship with your loved one. If you have experienced such situations, share your experience in the comments. Who knows, maybe your story will help someone.
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