What ballerinas do every day to maintain a sharp line of the lower face
The angle of youth is a perfectly right angle between the chin and neck. It plays a huge role in the perception of appearance, visually making us younger.
A change in the chin angle can lead to age-related changes in muscles, posture disorders, accumulation of fat deposits.
And in recent years, another common reason has been added – smartphone abuse. And if muscle weakening usually becomes noticeable after forty, then “sms-chin” today can be found even in the youngest.
Therefore, it is not superfluous to know what steps should be taken to continue to enjoy the cherished 90 degrees at any age!
Perfectly delineated line of the chin is beautiful and fashionable. If it is not, then you can safely add 5-10 years to the perception of age. "What do you do?" you ask. Keep your head right!
In the old days, it was believed that a straight back is a sign of a well-bred lady. To achieve proper posture, girls in gymnasiums were forced to walk with books on their heads.
And the ballerina was taught to imagine that they, like a puppet, someone pulls up the thread on the top of the head. As a result, the back is straight, the chin is raised, and the angle between it and the neck is approximately equal to the straight one.
In this position, the wrinkles are smoothed, the skin of the neck is stretched and the muscles that support the head are included in the work. The main thing is not to forget to constantly monitor your posture!
How can we make changes for the better? Face gymnastics "Site" It is highly recommended to try facefitness.
These facelift exercises won’t take your precious time. But most importantly, the skin will tighten, wrinkles will noticeably smooth out, and the oval of the face will become clear and attractive.
A clear line of the chin will also form the exercise “Angle of Youth”. And how to do it correctly, you can see in the above video.
Lymphatic drainage Edema is a consequence of a violation of the lymphatic system. The second chin, swelling of the eyelids, shaved... The swelling face looks much older than its biological age.
To avoid this, you need to stimulate the outflow of lymph. Lymphatic drainage techniques are suitable, they are quite simple.
Do not forget that all movements should be gentle, light, smooth.
Evil irony of fate is that for hours admiring Instagram on other people's beautiful photos, we strongly bend the head, while increasing the load on the cervical vertebrae and causing serious damage to their appearance.
There were even special terms – “blogger’s chin” and “tet neck”. You don't? Ask your friends to take a picture of you while you’re chatting. Or pay attention to the people on the subway when they do not take their eyes off the phone.
It’s time to think about our health and how much time is wasted while we browse Facebook, Instagram or Twitter for the hundredth time. And having stopped spending every free minute with your phone, you will very quickly notice that real life is often much more meaningful than virtual.

A change in the chin angle can lead to age-related changes in muscles, posture disorders, accumulation of fat deposits.

And in recent years, another common reason has been added – smartphone abuse. And if muscle weakening usually becomes noticeable after forty, then “sms-chin” today can be found even in the youngest.

Therefore, it is not superfluous to know what steps should be taken to continue to enjoy the cherished 90 degrees at any age!
Perfectly delineated line of the chin is beautiful and fashionable. If it is not, then you can safely add 5-10 years to the perception of age. "What do you do?" you ask. Keep your head right!

In the old days, it was believed that a straight back is a sign of a well-bred lady. To achieve proper posture, girls in gymnasiums were forced to walk with books on their heads.
And the ballerina was taught to imagine that they, like a puppet, someone pulls up the thread on the top of the head. As a result, the back is straight, the chin is raised, and the angle between it and the neck is approximately equal to the straight one.

In this position, the wrinkles are smoothed, the skin of the neck is stretched and the muscles that support the head are included in the work. The main thing is not to forget to constantly monitor your posture!
How can we make changes for the better? Face gymnastics "Site" It is highly recommended to try facefitness.

These facelift exercises won’t take your precious time. But most importantly, the skin will tighten, wrinkles will noticeably smooth out, and the oval of the face will become clear and attractive.
A clear line of the chin will also form the exercise “Angle of Youth”. And how to do it correctly, you can see in the above video.
Lymphatic drainage Edema is a consequence of a violation of the lymphatic system. The second chin, swelling of the eyelids, shaved... The swelling face looks much older than its biological age.

To avoid this, you need to stimulate the outflow of lymph. Lymphatic drainage techniques are suitable, they are quite simple.

Do not forget that all movements should be gentle, light, smooth.
Evil irony of fate is that for hours admiring Instagram on other people's beautiful photos, we strongly bend the head, while increasing the load on the cervical vertebrae and causing serious damage to their appearance.

There were even special terms – “blogger’s chin” and “tet neck”. You don't? Ask your friends to take a picture of you while you’re chatting. Or pay attention to the people on the subway when they do not take their eyes off the phone.

It’s time to think about our health and how much time is wasted while we browse Facebook, Instagram or Twitter for the hundredth time. And having stopped spending every free minute with your phone, you will very quickly notice that real life is often much more meaningful than virtual.
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