Why Andrei Kurpatov is sure that men do not appreciate loving women

If sometimes it seems that you got the most difficult man in the world and often you just do not understand how to behave with him, then this article will definitely be useful for you.

Today's edition. "Site" It will tell you why some men lose interest in their beloved, as soon as they have achieved her sympathy, and also help to find out how to find the right way out of this situation.

Spoiler: You don’t have to break up a relationship! It is known that such problems in relationships often occur in insecure women. So in short and essentially, all you have to do is learn to love yourself. By the way, at the end of the article we left a video in which the famous psychotherapist and TV presenter Dr. Kurpatov talks about how to do it. So you can just scroll down and go straight to the practical part.

And those who want to learn more about this topic, please read the article!

Why do some people create happy and strong families without problems, and others are constantly unlucky in love? Often, everyone discusses only women’s mistakes that lead to problems in relationships. But it's not fair to blame women for everything, is it?

Never forget that there are always two people in a relationship. Both are responsible for their union. So why not figure out what mistakes each side makes? I think that would be the most reasonable solution in such a situation.

Some people think that the problems that have arisen in their relationship with a partner are painfully specific, unique and intractable. However, most often it is quite different. We all suffer from the same vices sometimes. Laziness, cowardice, pride, anger or envy - all this sometimes overtakes each of us. But none of this is as damaging to a relationship as the expectation of full commitment and gratitude from a partner.

Sometimes we are so fixated on the object of our passion that we do not notice how slowly we begin to get lost in it. But at the same time, of course, we feel how much energy and strength we lose, trying to surround our soul mate with warmth and care. It is not strange that if we receive only indifference in response to our efforts, the feeling of enthusiasm is replaced by despondency and apathy. And, as we said earlier, this applies not only to women, but also to men.

Only a serious reassessment of life priorities and the realization that the only person whose life you should make as comfortable and happy as possible is you.

And this is not about selfishness and resentment. Only those who fully love and accept themselves will be able to share their bright feelings with others. By the way, complex men are just those people who suffer from such a problem (insecurity). Some representatives of the strong half of humanity are not used to the fact that someone can love them, and therefore they simply do not notice all the efforts of their life partner.

So do not reproach your loved one for not appreciating you, and run away from him in tears. Try talking to him first about why he's acting so detached. Or maybe you should watch a video from Dr. Kurpatov together?

There he is, by the way.

https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=6BlrE3F_bcY

We hope that at the end of the review you will be able to solve at least half of the problems accumulated during your relationship.

And we sincerely wish you good luck in this difficult business and say goodbye to new meetings!


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