What signs of the zodiac are opponents of love and other bright feelings
Love cannot be acquired: it either exists or it does not exist. In this article "Site" tell zodiac charactersIt's hard to love.
Those who were born under these signs are not bad people – just nature created them. That's how the stars formed, and now there's nothing we can do about it. In the feelings of Scorpio and Gemini, we will try to understand this article.
Everyone knows that Scorpio occupies the first place among the most cruel signs of the zodiac. Scorpions do not know what is sincere joy for a loved one, what is suffering for actions. They are too self-confident and also think that life was created only for them. Scorpios often act as if they are not supposed to take care of their family or loved ones.
For Scorpio, love is just an intimate relationship and nothing more. Therefore, a person with this sign can be very angry if his half does not show their feelings in the way he wants. Living with a representative of this sign is not easy: you will have to stock up on patience and iron nerves. However, you can learn to accept Scorpions as they are, and even love, but it will be a thorny road.
Astrologers say that Gemini is one of the most selfish signs of the zodiac. Most people with this sign think they are perfect. These are perfect people, and everyone else is just an extra. Words of love Gemini just let the wind, not giving them much meaning. Even on first dates, they can safely admit their warm feelings, and tomorrow forget about what they said. In addition, they can be angry and resentful if they do not hear reciprocity in response.
By the way, Gemini men consider cheating something insignificant. They can safely talk about it, arguing that all people "go left." However, if they cheat, the reaction of this sign will be similar to a tornado or a fountain of negative emotions. Twins find it difficult to forgive and forget offenses - they are very vindictive, insidious and hypocritical.
Their inability to love is manifested in every word, gesture, look and deed. It’s really hard to love someone other than yourself. Gemini care about family, relatives and partner out of a sense of duty, because "it is necessary." At the root of their inability to love lies excessive selfishness and love only for themselves. It is not easy to live with such people, but people who live for the sake of others, forgetting about themselves agree to it.
Our world always strives for balance: complex zodiac signs balance the kinder ones and vice versa. This is nature’s idea, its mystery, which we cannot understand. However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel: sincere, unselfish love can dissolve the anger of Scorpios and the selfishness of Gemini. It only needs to be sown correctly and show patience - then it will reward partners with generous fruits.

Those who were born under these signs are not bad people – just nature created them. That's how the stars formed, and now there's nothing we can do about it. In the feelings of Scorpio and Gemini, we will try to understand this article.

Everyone knows that Scorpio occupies the first place among the most cruel signs of the zodiac. Scorpions do not know what is sincere joy for a loved one, what is suffering for actions. They are too self-confident and also think that life was created only for them. Scorpios often act as if they are not supposed to take care of their family or loved ones.

For Scorpio, love is just an intimate relationship and nothing more. Therefore, a person with this sign can be very angry if his half does not show their feelings in the way he wants. Living with a representative of this sign is not easy: you will have to stock up on patience and iron nerves. However, you can learn to accept Scorpions as they are, and even love, but it will be a thorny road.

Astrologers say that Gemini is one of the most selfish signs of the zodiac. Most people with this sign think they are perfect. These are perfect people, and everyone else is just an extra. Words of love Gemini just let the wind, not giving them much meaning. Even on first dates, they can safely admit their warm feelings, and tomorrow forget about what they said. In addition, they can be angry and resentful if they do not hear reciprocity in response.
By the way, Gemini men consider cheating something insignificant. They can safely talk about it, arguing that all people "go left." However, if they cheat, the reaction of this sign will be similar to a tornado or a fountain of negative emotions. Twins find it difficult to forgive and forget offenses - they are very vindictive, insidious and hypocritical.

Their inability to love is manifested in every word, gesture, look and deed. It’s really hard to love someone other than yourself. Gemini care about family, relatives and partner out of a sense of duty, because "it is necessary." At the root of their inability to love lies excessive selfishness and love only for themselves. It is not easy to live with such people, but people who live for the sake of others, forgetting about themselves agree to it.

Our world always strives for balance: complex zodiac signs balance the kinder ones and vice versa. This is nature’s idea, its mystery, which we cannot understand. However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel: sincere, unselfish love can dissolve the anger of Scorpios and the selfishness of Gemini. It only needs to be sown correctly and show patience - then it will reward partners with generous fruits.
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