The story of a working spouse and wife who sits at home on a decree
The birth of a child changes the life of a young family. Concerns become much more, which does not always reflect well on the relationship of new parents. Usually a woman leaves work for a while to give the child maximum care. But a man has to work and earn for two. And he doesn't always know what he's doing. paternitySometimes he just drives her to work.
It is said that the appearance of children is only good for the family. But in my case, it's different. After the arrival of the daughter, the husband changed a lot, and not for the better. He's increasingly saying that I should stop sitting around his neck and go to work. Although the daughter was only one and a half years old, says Victoria.
“We got married 6 years ago. All these years I dreamed of having a child, but nothing worked. At some point I even lost hope, but a miracle happened. We knew we were going to be parents soon. My husband was happy. I cannot express my emotions!
“He insisted that I stop working. I did not mind, because working in an advertising agency took a lot of nerves and energy from me. Looking back, I think that was the right decision.”
“The birth was difficult, but still we had a girl. My husband helped: he could get up at night, and after work he would fiddle with the baby to give me a rest. But when my daughter was a year old, he began to raise the question of my employment.”
At first there was talk about whether I wanted to go back to work and whether I was bored at home. I answered without hesitation in the negative. Then they started skipping phrases like “You’re good at staying at home and doing nothing.” I do not consider my daily duties as a resort. Cleaning, laundry, ironing, baby care. Especially since my husband has completely stopped helping me.”
“Our conversations have become tough. My husband started telling me that I was sitting around his neck. I refused to discuss my work until my daughter was at least a year and a half old. I didn’t want to give up natural feeding until then. He's quiet for a while. But then the daughter turned one and a half, and the husband turned on the old record.
“What does he suggest? She wants to give her daughter to my retired parents. Do they need this? He's probably planning on making a deal with them. But what's the need? We are not poor, and there is no urgent need for me to bring money into the house, too. He throws a tantrum on these arguments. He shouts that he is tired of dragging his family on himself and demands that I help him.”
“I see that the arrival of a child has only ruined our relationship. I don’t want my daughter to grow up in an atmosphere where there’s always a fight. Where Dad yells at Mom and she makes excuses. But what do we do? Give up and go to work, leaving your daughter on strangers? Will the husband calm down then? the young mother asks.
Probably, the husband simply does not fully understand how much time and effort his wife takes to care of the child. There are enough stories of young dads who sent his wife to work and stayed at home to devote more time to the child. But their hopes for a pleasant and carefree time invariably dashed against the brutal reality.
Perhaps the husband of our current heroine should try himself not only as a miner, but also as a miner. loving daddy. Just for a week or two. It's his daughter too. And this baby definitely needs his attention, love and care.

It is said that the appearance of children is only good for the family. But in my case, it's different. After the arrival of the daughter, the husband changed a lot, and not for the better. He's increasingly saying that I should stop sitting around his neck and go to work. Although the daughter was only one and a half years old, says Victoria.

“We got married 6 years ago. All these years I dreamed of having a child, but nothing worked. At some point I even lost hope, but a miracle happened. We knew we were going to be parents soon. My husband was happy. I cannot express my emotions!
“He insisted that I stop working. I did not mind, because working in an advertising agency took a lot of nerves and energy from me. Looking back, I think that was the right decision.”

“The birth was difficult, but still we had a girl. My husband helped: he could get up at night, and after work he would fiddle with the baby to give me a rest. But when my daughter was a year old, he began to raise the question of my employment.”
At first there was talk about whether I wanted to go back to work and whether I was bored at home. I answered without hesitation in the negative. Then they started skipping phrases like “You’re good at staying at home and doing nothing.” I do not consider my daily duties as a resort. Cleaning, laundry, ironing, baby care. Especially since my husband has completely stopped helping me.”
“Our conversations have become tough. My husband started telling me that I was sitting around his neck. I refused to discuss my work until my daughter was at least a year and a half old. I didn’t want to give up natural feeding until then. He's quiet for a while. But then the daughter turned one and a half, and the husband turned on the old record.
“What does he suggest? She wants to give her daughter to my retired parents. Do they need this? He's probably planning on making a deal with them. But what's the need? We are not poor, and there is no urgent need for me to bring money into the house, too. He throws a tantrum on these arguments. He shouts that he is tired of dragging his family on himself and demands that I help him.”
“I see that the arrival of a child has only ruined our relationship. I don’t want my daughter to grow up in an atmosphere where there’s always a fight. Where Dad yells at Mom and she makes excuses. But what do we do? Give up and go to work, leaving your daughter on strangers? Will the husband calm down then? the young mother asks.

Probably, the husband simply does not fully understand how much time and effort his wife takes to care of the child. There are enough stories of young dads who sent his wife to work and stayed at home to devote more time to the child. But their hopes for a pleasant and carefree time invariably dashed against the brutal reality.

Perhaps the husband of our current heroine should try himself not only as a miner, but also as a miner. loving daddy. Just for a week or two. It's his daughter too. And this baby definitely needs his attention, love and care.