How many times and when to whiten the trees in the spring to be happy with yourself and neighbors in the country
Some people think that autumn whitewashing of garden trees is carried out solely for the purpose of decorating the summer cottage. And this is perhaps one of the most gross misconceptions associated with gardening.
In fact, this procedure allows you to save trees from many different damages that threaten them in the winter. So today's editorial office. "Site" not only will tell you what kind of damage it is, but also share tips for high-quality whitewashing.
Those who weather forecasters have already managed to upset the weather forecast for this autumn, have long coped with seasonal processing of fruit trees and are quietly preparing for the coming winter. But less inquisitive gardeners now have to be on guard every day to not miss the sunny weather and complete all the business in their floral and fruit kingdom.
And if some shortcomings can not be corrected, then with whitewashing of trees things are quite different. As for the ideal time for its conduct, then this can be considered the period of autumn, when the air temperature has reached 5 degrees Celsius and is stable within this mark.
The main reason for whitewashing is the risk of insect parasites that destroy the tree bark. This procedure is carried out at least twice a year. The first whitewashing is carried out in autumn, and the second experienced gardeners spend the spring, when the frosts completely subside.
By the way, severe frosts are another reason to protect garden trees with whitewashing. The fact is that sharp temperature changes also adversely affect the tree bark. Or, to be more precise, it leads to its cracking. From this, the tree will weaken and soon and completely lose all vitality and simply dry.
It should be noted that young seedlings do not need whitewashing. To protect quenched lime is only those trees whose bark has already lost its smoothness and covered with natural age plates.
As for the equipment for whitewashing, a strictly individual approach is necessary to this issue. If the garden is small, you can cope with the usual brush. Otherwise, you should think about purchasing a special sprayer that will facilitate and accelerate whitewashing.

In fact, this procedure allows you to save trees from many different damages that threaten them in the winter. So today's editorial office. "Site" not only will tell you what kind of damage it is, but also share tips for high-quality whitewashing.
Those who weather forecasters have already managed to upset the weather forecast for this autumn, have long coped with seasonal processing of fruit trees and are quietly preparing for the coming winter. But less inquisitive gardeners now have to be on guard every day to not miss the sunny weather and complete all the business in their floral and fruit kingdom.

And if some shortcomings can not be corrected, then with whitewashing of trees things are quite different. As for the ideal time for its conduct, then this can be considered the period of autumn, when the air temperature has reached 5 degrees Celsius and is stable within this mark.
The main reason for whitewashing is the risk of insect parasites that destroy the tree bark. This procedure is carried out at least twice a year. The first whitewashing is carried out in autumn, and the second experienced gardeners spend the spring, when the frosts completely subside.

By the way, severe frosts are another reason to protect garden trees with whitewashing. The fact is that sharp temperature changes also adversely affect the tree bark. Or, to be more precise, it leads to its cracking. From this, the tree will weaken and soon and completely lose all vitality and simply dry.

It should be noted that young seedlings do not need whitewashing. To protect quenched lime is only those trees whose bark has already lost its smoothness and covered with natural age plates.

As for the equipment for whitewashing, a strictly individual approach is necessary to this issue. If the garden is small, you can cope with the usual brush. Otherwise, you should think about purchasing a special sprayer that will facilitate and accelerate whitewashing.
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