Many gardeners whiten trees in spring, but only 1 in 10 do it correctly.

Spring has come, and more and more people are leaving the city and moving to the country. The cottage is not only a recreation area and barbecue, but also a great responsibility. We need to do a variety of business. And if you are used to growing healthy vegetables and fruits in the country, there will be even more work. In this article, we will talk about only one aspect. You know, When to whiten the trees?

When whitening trees One of the main measures to bring the suburban area after winter in a normal state is whitewashing of trees. The garden is the decoration of any site. And how nice to pick ripe apples and plums from a healthy beautiful tree! Did you know that 80% of people don’t whiten trees correctly?

Whitewashing of trees is not the aesthetic desires of summer residents, but a direct necessity. The tree is thus protected from all kinds of pests. Insects that wake up after winter are particularly aggressive as they look for food. Therefore, they can cause huge damage to trees, as a result of which they can simply die.

We have all seen trees in golf courses. This is when the tree pillar is painted to the middle. And this painting resembles children's insecure strokes. But pseudoprotection is not able to protect the tree from pests. They will easily bypass it and eat the tree further. And as a result, instead of healthy trees and beautiful fruits, you will get only dried pods. In addition, the time for whitewashing was wasted.

How to whitewash trees correctly to protect the maximum? In the scientific literature, this process is given a very complex definition. In order to protect the tree from external factors, a whitewashing agent must be applied to the bark of its trunk along the entire height of the stamp and half of the lower skeletal tier of branches.

It actually looks a lot easier. You need to whitewash the entire trunk of the tree before the first branches begin to branch from below. And also to half open the lower branches.

The height of the whitewash will be individual for each tree. And it depends only on where the tree begins the first tier of branches. Therefore, one tree will stand almost half whitewashed, the second will have to whiten a little higher relative to the ground level. In this case, you should not chase perfectionism. The main thing in this process is the protection of the tree, not the aesthetic appearance.

At the same time, do not forget that you can whiten trees only in dry clear weather. Apply whitewash solution on a wet barrel is strictly prohibited. But you need to prepare the tree for whitewashing in advance. It is advisable to do this after the rain, when the trunk of the tree is still wet. Before whitewashing from the tree trunk, it is necessary to remove old bark, contaminated areas and sprouted moss. If you do not make such a procedure, the whitewash will not last long enough and again will be ineffective.

To clean the trunk of the tree, you can use an ordinary kitchen sponge. Only a sponge should be taken hard enough, but in no case metal, so as not to injure the tree. In light movements, walk along the surface of the trunk with a sponge, and all unnecessary bark will simply fall off. Also removed all moss formations. Then, wait until the rod is completely dry and then apply the whitewash.

We hope that thanks to our advice, your garden will be the most beautiful. Share in the comments your tricks and secrets of care for the dacha!


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