Garden of the var and lime — protect the trunks of fruit trees

Just three simple autumn treatments — cleaning of trunks of trees, their disinfection and whitewashing — unable for years to extend the life of our gardens. This publication is for those who do not really trust the purchase means to handle guns, and prefers to make their own. We collected tested recipes garden Vara, and whitewash can become this good tool.
Means for processing barrel of the barrel After cleaning and disinfection of wounds each of them need to be treated with special ointment, for reliability. Gardeners use a lot of "putties", the most diverse in composition. They, of course, you can buy in the store, but very easy to make yourself. Consider a few popular recipes:
The simplest form of putty. Used by gardeners for a very long time and it proved.
Clay — 200 g
Cow manure — 100 g
Copper sulfate
Clay mixed with manure, add copper sulfate and finely chopped straw, diluting the water while stirring until thick homemade sour cream. Ready talker held up fine on the trunk for a long time does not crack and protects the surface.
Protects tree wounds from infection and precipitation, does not allow them to dry out and helps the healing process. Sold as a finished product, but make it quite capable of every gardener.

Cold var Rajewski
Resin — 400 g
Linseed oil — 2 tbsp.
Tree resin add 2 tbsp. of linseed oil, stirring constantly. In this semi-liquid form, the mixture stores well and can be used in any weather. Great putty and "surivial".
Golodnizky var
Rosin — 400 g
Wax — 200 g
Mutton fat — 100g
Alcohol 90º — 50 ml
Resin, wax and fat to melt, stirring, over low heat. Slightly cool, pour in a little alcohol. Store in sealed bottles.
Var pine resin
Pine or spruce resin — 2 parts
Vegetable oil — 1.5 parts
Turpentine — 1 part
Wax — part 1
Mix all of the components. Good healing putty.
Teplicky var
Rosin — 400 g
Beeswax — 200 g
Animal fat (unsalted) — 100 g
Linseed oil — 250 ml
On low heat melt the wax, fat and resin. Not boiling, pour linseed oil and stir. As soon as the whole mass is melted, it is necessary to pour in cold water (bucket, pot) and coat hands with fat, to knead (knead) in the water until, until it becomes viscous. Received var store in oiled paper. In the cold season with the solidified mass to work difficult, so the var and heat it and then start smearing the wounds.
Attention! To prepare a garden Vara cannot use mineral oil and petroleum products — grease, nigral, automobile engine oil, petrolatum, petroleum jelly, linseed oil and others. They are not just not useful to the tree — they hurt! Don't be surprised if after such a "healing" on the tree are formed by chemical burns or even worse, necrosis. Pay attention to the composition of the purchased commodities.
Means for whitewash
The trees are whitewashed a variety of compounds but most often is lime mortar. A lot of recipes, and every grower has their own ideas about their composition. Despite the large range of opinions, the main components pobelochnye composition not so much: only three:
The substance that gives medium dressy and really need the white (lime or chalk);
A substance which improves the adhesion of mortar to the barrel (clay, milk, vegetable or green soap, casein glue or PVA glue);
A substance that gives disinfectant effect (copper sulfate, etc.).
And in what proportions to mix these components, prompt examples of good recipes for whitewash:
Recipe 1
Lime — 2.5 kg
Water — 10 litres
Copper sulfate — 500 g
Joiner's glue (casein) — 200 g
Recipe 2
Hydrated lime — 2-2.5 kg
Water — 10 litres
Copper sulphate — 250-300 g
The clay fat — 1 kg
Cow manure — 1-2 shovels (if desired)
Recipe 3
Chalk — 2.5 kg
Water — 10 litres
The paste of flour — 10 tablespoons (you can replace soap, clay or fresh mullein)
To obtain a working solution, all components should be thoroughly mixed until smooth, the consistency close to cream. The liquid solution will flow down the trunk and a lot will not bring benefits. Too thick will introduce big "pererastet" lime, and a very thick layer flakes off faster. The best option is when a layer of whitewash will be 2, max 3 mm.
Useful things from experienced growers
If the mortar or paint on the trees to add a little powder of dried hellebore Lobel, the whitewash will help to deter birds.
From the encroachments of rabbits and mice will help and 1 tablespoon of carbolic acid, added to the bucket pobelochnye solution.
Latex paint is effective against sunburn on Sunny winter days, but it is not able to protect the tree from harmful insects. But if it before the whitewash podesiti copper-containing components can "kill two birds with one stone".
Whitewashing the trunks should not be grayed out: from extremes of temperature and sunburns it will not protect. Color must be white, and the whiter, the better.
Inexperienced gardeners are often asked the question: "How big of a wound it is necessary to gloss over garden pitch and which can be left open?". Practice shows that it is necessary to cover the wound, the cross-sectional area which exceeds the cross-sectional area of an ordinary pencil.
Appeared in the sale of aerosol whitewash "Green series", which can be blanching and freezing temperatures. If it is skipped all the time, and whitewash is necessary.
Source: www.7dach.ru