Why 5G is needed and how it will affect us
What is 5G, how does it differ from previous technologies, and why do many people now believe in conspiracy theories related to it?
Although the ubiquitous coverage of commercial 5G networks in Russia is still far away, it is time to answer these questions that concern many.
Features of mobile networks of the 5th generation The letter G in the name of the mobile communication standard is an abbreviation of the English word generation (generation). The first generation of mobile networks (1G) appeared in the 80s of the last century. And each subsequent decade brought it a new standard: 2G (early 90s), 3G (early 2000s) and 4G LTE (2010s).
GettyImages all provided higher data rates than their predecessors. But the needs of users grew even faster. Today, we have little voice and access to social networks. We are talking about instant access to cloud services and high-quality video, as well as the mass connection of a number of fundamentally new devices.
All this will be possible thanks to the latest 5G mobile platform. It is better than 4G for several reasons: significantly faster, has more capacity, less latency, provides better functionality. This is achieved primarily due to the growth of frequencies used.
So, if 4G operates at 1.8 and 2.6 GHz, then 5G uses a wide range from 0.6 to 100 GHz. The logic here is simple: the higher the frequency of the wave, the more information can be transmitted per unit of time. But there is a downside to the coin. Such waves fade faster, so base stations need much more.
5G and coronavirus The first brick in the building of the conspiracy theory about the relationship between 5G networks and the COVID-19 virus was probably an article on the website Les moutons enrages (from French – “rabid sheep”) from January 20, 2020.
Its authors saw a causal relationship between the installation of 100 5G base stations in Wuhan, China, and the emergence of a new disease. Later, the theory was picked up and enriched with versions. According to them, 5G towers allegedly:
They can cause COVID-19 infection.
- spread radiation;
- damage cell membranes;
- cause viral mutations;
“Make oxygen molecules oscillate”, as a result of which the body feels a lack of oxygen;
- reduce immunity, cause cancer and Alzheimer's disease.
Already in early April, opponents of fifth-generation cellular communication went from words to deeds. There were rallies all over the world. In Britain alone, there have been more than 50 cases of arson and damage to base stations. Some of them only gave out 4G.
Fraudulent sites began to sell $300 ordinary USB flash drives under the guise of devices that protect against 5G radiation. On the website of the President of Ukraine appeared and scored more than 25 thousand votes petition under the title: “Ban the introduction of 5G because of its extremely negative impact on health!”
What do scientists say? We will deal with everything that is blamed for 5G in order. Wuhan was one of the first Chinese cities to introduce 5G. But we know that the coronavirus is transmitted only by contact and airborne droplets. In addition, the epidemic has spread to many countries that have never had 5G, such as Iran.
When it comes to radiation, it’s important to remember that this is an inaccurate term. Electromagnetic radiation can be divided into ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. Ionizing, which includes X-rays, gamma radiation and hard ultraviolet radiation, is really dangerous. It can interact with tissues at the cellular level and cause cancer.
Radio emission, which is used for mobile communication, is non-ionizing. This means that it lacks the energy to somehow interfere with DNA and cause damage to cellular structures. With prolonged exposure, it can only heat the human body by fractions of a degree. But even this requires its level, many times higher than the current standards.
These standards are among the strictest in the world. Thus, the permissible radiation levels of transmitting radio facilities are: in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan - up to 10 μW / cm2; in the United States, Europe, Japan - from 200 to 1000 μW / cm2; in China - up to 2000 μW / cm2.
In February this year, WHO released a report titled 5G Mobile Networks and Health. “Currently, the impact of 5G infrastructure at around 3.5 GHz is similar to that of existing mobile base stations” and no harm to health from its use has been established.
GettyImages found no negative impact of 5G on health and the International Commission on Non-ionizing Radiation Protection. At the same time, the WHO reinsured and classified the entire radiofrequency spectrum as “possible carcinogens” in the company with pickled vegetables, processed meat and alcohol.
In summary, scientists and regulators consider 5G frequencies, like those that preceded them, to be generally safe, provided that current sanitary standards are met. At the same time, prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light, which we voluntarily expose ourselves to on the beach, can be much more dangerous and quite certainly can cause mutations in skin cells.
Why are conspiracy theories so tenacious? The number of conspiracy theories is constantly growing. Psychologists see one of the reasons for this phenomenon in the needs of the human person.
Possession of “secret knowledge” gives conspiracy theorists a heady sense of their own uniqueness. It also provides simple answers to complex questions and helps to come to terms with feelings of powerlessness by proposing a specific culprit for their life’s troubles.

Although the ubiquitous coverage of commercial 5G networks in Russia is still far away, it is time to answer these questions that concern many.
Features of mobile networks of the 5th generation The letter G in the name of the mobile communication standard is an abbreviation of the English word generation (generation). The first generation of mobile networks (1G) appeared in the 80s of the last century. And each subsequent decade brought it a new standard: 2G (early 90s), 3G (early 2000s) and 4G LTE (2010s).

GettyImages all provided higher data rates than their predecessors. But the needs of users grew even faster. Today, we have little voice and access to social networks. We are talking about instant access to cloud services and high-quality video, as well as the mass connection of a number of fundamentally new devices.
All this will be possible thanks to the latest 5G mobile platform. It is better than 4G for several reasons: significantly faster, has more capacity, less latency, provides better functionality. This is achieved primarily due to the growth of frequencies used.

So, if 4G operates at 1.8 and 2.6 GHz, then 5G uses a wide range from 0.6 to 100 GHz. The logic here is simple: the higher the frequency of the wave, the more information can be transmitted per unit of time. But there is a downside to the coin. Such waves fade faster, so base stations need much more.
5G and coronavirus The first brick in the building of the conspiracy theory about the relationship between 5G networks and the COVID-19 virus was probably an article on the website Les moutons enrages (from French – “rabid sheep”) from January 20, 2020.

Its authors saw a causal relationship between the installation of 100 5G base stations in Wuhan, China, and the emergence of a new disease. Later, the theory was picked up and enriched with versions. According to them, 5G towers allegedly:
They can cause COVID-19 infection.
- spread radiation;
- damage cell membranes;
- cause viral mutations;
“Make oxygen molecules oscillate”, as a result of which the body feels a lack of oxygen;
- reduce immunity, cause cancer and Alzheimer's disease.

Already in early April, opponents of fifth-generation cellular communication went from words to deeds. There were rallies all over the world. In Britain alone, there have been more than 50 cases of arson and damage to base stations. Some of them only gave out 4G.
Fraudulent sites began to sell $300 ordinary USB flash drives under the guise of devices that protect against 5G radiation. On the website of the President of Ukraine appeared and scored more than 25 thousand votes petition under the title: “Ban the introduction of 5G because of its extremely negative impact on health!”
What do scientists say? We will deal with everything that is blamed for 5G in order. Wuhan was one of the first Chinese cities to introduce 5G. But we know that the coronavirus is transmitted only by contact and airborne droplets. In addition, the epidemic has spread to many countries that have never had 5G, such as Iran.

When it comes to radiation, it’s important to remember that this is an inaccurate term. Electromagnetic radiation can be divided into ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. Ionizing, which includes X-rays, gamma radiation and hard ultraviolet radiation, is really dangerous. It can interact with tissues at the cellular level and cause cancer.
Radio emission, which is used for mobile communication, is non-ionizing. This means that it lacks the energy to somehow interfere with DNA and cause damage to cellular structures. With prolonged exposure, it can only heat the human body by fractions of a degree. But even this requires its level, many times higher than the current standards.
These standards are among the strictest in the world. Thus, the permissible radiation levels of transmitting radio facilities are: in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan - up to 10 μW / cm2; in the United States, Europe, Japan - from 200 to 1000 μW / cm2; in China - up to 2000 μW / cm2.
In February this year, WHO released a report titled 5G Mobile Networks and Health. “Currently, the impact of 5G infrastructure at around 3.5 GHz is similar to that of existing mobile base stations” and no harm to health from its use has been established.

GettyImages found no negative impact of 5G on health and the International Commission on Non-ionizing Radiation Protection. At the same time, the WHO reinsured and classified the entire radiofrequency spectrum as “possible carcinogens” in the company with pickled vegetables, processed meat and alcohol.
In summary, scientists and regulators consider 5G frequencies, like those that preceded them, to be generally safe, provided that current sanitary standards are met. At the same time, prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light, which we voluntarily expose ourselves to on the beach, can be much more dangerous and quite certainly can cause mutations in skin cells.
Why are conspiracy theories so tenacious? The number of conspiracy theories is constantly growing. Psychologists see one of the reasons for this phenomenon in the needs of the human person.

Possession of “secret knowledge” gives conspiracy theorists a heady sense of their own uniqueness. It also provides simple answers to complex questions and helps to come to terms with feelings of powerlessness by proposing a specific culprit for their life’s troubles.
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