How to choose a one-bedroom apartment to buy
Seventy eight million six hundred twenty two thousand six hundred twelve
In fact, the choice of one-bedroom apartments in Omsk is made according to the same algorithm as "Studio" or "treshki". However, professional realtors point to some specific features. Layout and metric area of such premises is very different. For example, a Studio apartment can have an area and 28, and 40 "squares". Thus, even the smallest room can be comfortable, if it is well planned. Therefore, it is important to consider several options, not to regret that the decision was made too hastily.
Signs of a competent planning
The fact that the "odnushka" with three Windows, has its pros and cons. On the one hand, there will be more opportunities to use natural light. But most of these apartments – the corner, so winter can be cold. And fewer opportunities for redevelopment if it is to be done.
Features buying on the secondary market
When choosing accommodation it is necessary to consider such moments.
It is advisable to use the services of professionals-realtors, not to make a rash step on his own inexperience. Important point – the state of the entrance. Even if the apartment itself is in excellent condition, dirty, unkempt entrance is a sign of heterogeneity of the social environment. Be sure to review the cadastral plan of the housing, to avoid unpleasant surprises from illegal redevelopment.
Apartments in new buildings
With the growing demand for "odnushek" they make the lion's share of the total amount of apartments in new buildings. When they were typical and standard, as in the famous Christmas Comedy — passed. The construction market is highly competitive, so real estate developers are trying to make home as comfortable as you can. The main points that you need to pay attention.
Of course, all these issues can be resolved independently, but contacting a professional Agency will allow to avoid many errors and troubles when buying.
In fact, the choice of one-bedroom apartments in Omsk is made according to the same algorithm as "Studio" or "treshki". However, professional realtors point to some specific features. Layout and metric area of such premises is very different. For example, a Studio apartment can have an area and 28, and 40 "squares". Thus, even the smallest room can be comfortable, if it is well planned. Therefore, it is important to consider several options, not to regret that the decision was made too hastily.

Signs of a competent planning
- The entrances to the room and to the kitchen from the hallway.
- The width of the dwelling from 3.0 m.
- The kitchen area of 10 square meters.
- Exit to the loggia from the room.
The fact that the "odnushka" with three Windows, has its pros and cons. On the one hand, there will be more opportunities to use natural light. But most of these apartments – the corner, so winter can be cold. And fewer opportunities for redevelopment if it is to be done.
Features buying on the secondary market
When choosing accommodation it is necessary to consider such moments.
- Year of construction of the house.
- The condition of the wiring and communications.
- Features of the plan.
- The availability and quality of repair.
It is advisable to use the services of professionals-realtors, not to make a rash step on his own inexperience. Important point – the state of the entrance. Even if the apartment itself is in excellent condition, dirty, unkempt entrance is a sign of heterogeneity of the social environment. Be sure to review the cadastral plan of the housing, to avoid unpleasant surprises from illegal redevelopment.
Apartments in new buildings
With the growing demand for "odnushek" they make the lion's share of the total amount of apartments in new buildings. When they were typical and standard, as in the famous Christmas Comedy — passed. The construction market is highly competitive, so real estate developers are trying to make home as comfortable as you can. The main points that you need to pay attention.
- Features of the plan. Currently, you can do a design project for apartments of any configuration. But, the more complex the shape of the room, the more expensive it is.
- The presence of decoration and quality. Ask whether the neighbouring flats to finish. If Yes, this is a good sign. There will be less noise from drills and hammers.
- The availability of communications. It all depends on the taste of the buyer. Some prefer to install the plumbing and the stove independently of the other suits.
Of course, all these issues can be resolved independently, but contacting a professional Agency will allow to avoid many errors and troubles when buying.
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