The LCD Sofia residence is a reliable a new type of housing
Fifty two million eight hundred seventy nine thousand five hundred seventeen
The LCD Sofia residence is a project by A. Martynov, one of the largest developers in the Ukrainian capital. He has managed to establish itself well on the primary market. A high level of service, closed territory and excellent construction are the main characteristics of new buildings from Martynov. The same goes for "Sofia residence". The main distinguishing feature of LCD focus on family values and not on the business.
Infrastructure LCD carefully considered so that all necessary infrastructure will be people within walking distance. The first floors of residential buildings are occupied by shops, offices, pharmacies, Bank branches. Also planned for a restaurant and dental clinic. Footage of a residential complex ranges between 36.6 and of 123.1 "squares". This allows you to choose accommodation according to your taste. There are options ranging from compact "odnushek" through to spacious apartments in two levels with four-five rooms.
Territory, area
The LCD takes up an area of 60 hectares. It allows positioning on a gated site with all necessary infrastructure. Solved the eternal problem of the Kiev courts, saprogenic personal transport. For car Parking planned at some level. Provided guest option — surface Parking for 10 thousand cars.
Territory "LCD Sofia residence" is an ideal place for relaxation and active leisure. The project provided.
Provides round the clock security for the territory. Access system for pedestrians and cars will allow you ustranit the risk of penetration into the territory of the complex stranger.
The health of the occupants
Planned landscaping, in accordance with the canons of landscape design. In accordance with the project, the area will resemble a miniature Park, cosy and clean. There's also the hospital with the clinic and the hospital.
Social infrastructure
As already mentioned, the complex is mainly focused on classic family values. The planned construction of a school for 1 thousand people, as well as two kindergartens. School and preschool will be built near houses.
The LCD Sofia residence is a project by A. Martynov, one of the largest developers in the Ukrainian capital. He has managed to establish itself well on the primary market. A high level of service, closed territory and excellent construction are the main characteristics of new buildings from Martynov. The same goes for "Sofia residence". The main distinguishing feature of LCD focus on family values and not on the business.
Infrastructure LCD carefully considered so that all necessary infrastructure will be people within walking distance. The first floors of residential buildings are occupied by shops, offices, pharmacies, Bank branches. Also planned for a restaurant and dental clinic. Footage of a residential complex ranges between 36.6 and of 123.1 "squares". This allows you to choose accommodation according to your taste. There are options ranging from compact "odnushek" through to spacious apartments in two levels with four-five rooms.

Territory, area
The LCD takes up an area of 60 hectares. It allows positioning on a gated site with all necessary infrastructure. Solved the eternal problem of the Kiev courts, saprogenic personal transport. For car Parking planned at some level. Provided guest option — surface Parking for 10 thousand cars.

Territory "LCD Sofia residence" is an ideal place for relaxation and active leisure. The project provided.
- Spacious summer terrace.
- Paths for cyclists.
- Own stadium.
- Skate Park.
Provides round the clock security for the territory. Access system for pedestrians and cars will allow you ustranit the risk of penetration into the territory of the complex stranger.
The health of the occupants
Planned landscaping, in accordance with the canons of landscape design. In accordance with the project, the area will resemble a miniature Park, cosy and clean. There's also the hospital with the clinic and the hospital.
Social infrastructure
As already mentioned, the complex is mainly focused on classic family values. The planned construction of a school for 1 thousand people, as well as two kindergartens. School and preschool will be built near houses.