Nuances of legalizing samstroy

The question of samstroy is familiar to many not hearsay. This is a pressing problem in many parts of the country. Recently, the state is increasingly taking up the solution of this problem, encouraging the population to take active action. This means that the specifics of the legislation are such that it is much easier and safer to legitimize self-building, having passed the necessary procedures, than to expose yourself to the risk of sanctions from the controlling authorities, and they are serious: up to the loss of housing.
Competent approach to the structure itself
If everything is done promptly, competently, in accordance with the law, then legalized construction is a lot of bonuses. So, later it will be possible to freely implement the structure, lease it, it can be inherited. By the way, if we talk about inheritance, the illegal construction will put a heavy burden on the heirs, forcing them to undergo numerous bureaucratic procedures. Features:
- Keep in mind that legislation is constantly changing. The state seeks to encourage people to leave the “grey zone”, so it is easier to take advantage of opportunities and legitimize the object.
- Any object is subject to registration, not only a classic residential building, but even baths, sheds, garages.
- Registration of the right to property is inextricably linked with the need to issue rights to a land plot, located, for example, under a shed or bath.
Contacting professionals is justified
Appeal to professionals is justified, since the rights of the client are protected, plus, time is saved as much as possible. There are many bureaucratic formalities and procedures, independent attempts lead to the loss of valuable time, plus, this does not guarantee that permission will be obtained. You can contact specialists at any stage. Even if there were previously attempts to solve the problem independently, but they were not crowned with success, there is always a chance that a professional approach to the case of competent specialists will resolve the situation in favor of the client.
As a result, the rights to the object will be formalized, information about it will be entered in the state register, BTI and others.