These 10 things can save your life if used inappropriately
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Going camping or going to vacation alone with nature, it is useful to know about how to protect themselves in case of an emergency.
Site offers non-obvious ways to use ordinary things can help you survive if you were left alone with nature.
1. Tights
2. Garbage bags
3. Soda
4. Vinegar
5. Duct tape
6. Watch
7. Socks
8. Tampons
9. Crisp
10. Gum
Photos on the preview pixabay, pixabay, depositphotos.
via ru.depositphotos.com/66655515/stock-photo-protection-feminine-hygiene.html?utm_source=Adme&utm_medium=freesub&utm_campaign=RU-brand
Going camping or going to vacation alone with nature, it is useful to know about how to protect themselves in case of an emergency.
Site offers non-obvious ways to use ordinary things can help you survive if you were left alone with nature.
1. Tights

- To protect from insects
2. Garbage bags

- For salvation from the rain
- To save them from frostbite
3. Soda

- For fire fighting
- For disinfection
4. Vinegar

- For recovery from burns
- Masking your scent (against wild animals)
5. Duct tape

- For getting rid of splinters
- To stop bleeding
6. Watch

- For orienteering
7. Socks

- To rescue a drowning man
8. Tampons

- For water filtration
- Fire pit
9. Crisp
- For ignition of the fire
10. Gum

- To preserve food
Photos on the preview pixabay, pixabay, depositphotos.
via ru.depositphotos.com/66655515/stock-photo-protection-feminine-hygiene.html?utm_source=Adme&utm_medium=freesub&utm_campaign=RU-brand
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