What is the screw Foundation. Build screw the Foundation with his own hands

Screw the Foundation. This type of Foundation is quite popular in residential construction. The house, which is built on the Foundation of this kind, it will serve you for a very long time.
The cost of construction are reasonable and economical in comparison with many other types of foundations. Well, to build a Foundation on their own, that is, with their hands everyone can.
Features screw Fundamenta
Constructed screw Foundation using screw piles. This special Foundation, which is a hollow steel pipe. On these piles a sharp tip with threads on it. On top is the special mount for the installation of the grillage.
Mandatory on such piles should be applied anti-corrosion coating on the outside of the pipe, and on its inner part. This should be done carefully and responsibly for the upcoming task, because of the quality of its performance ultimately will depend on the service life and durability of the helical Foundation.
Alone, with the task of construction of the screw base, is unlikely to cope, so you will need to attract a few more people to help. The pile will need to be screw threaded into the earth until this will be possible. When screwing the pile more would be impossible, it will indicate that the depth is sufficient to ensure that your building not subsided in the future. In the case where the pile rested in some object, it is necessary to Unscrew and remove this piece, and then screw the pile into the ground.
Of course, as a result of such screwing into the ground piles, their aerial parts will be of different heights, so the piles are trimmed so that above the earth was only their required level. After that, the hollow pile is filled with concrete and welded to the pipe cap. Between such piles hold together a raft using a special mount that is available for this purpose from each pile.
To make a spiral Foundation with his own hands is not difficult. It is only necessary carefully to consider the choice themselves piles for your Foundation. Remember that the quality and durability of the screw base will directly depend on how high quality is the material of construction of screw pile.
To calculate the required number of piles, their length and diameter, you will first need to perform some complex calculations as in the construction of any other foundations. During the construction of the screw base, it is necessary to determine the depth of soil freezing in the place of construction of the building. Also, you must consider the weight of the house and the additional burden on him from the snow. When you get all the necessary calculations, you will be able to easily proceed to construct helical Foundation with his own hands.