Build a grill out of brick with their hands + video

Brick grill can't be met in each cottage. Most owners of household plots do not consider it necessary to build it, assuring himself and others that he takes long, is expensive, thus is rarely used. However, this is not a true statement. Hand made grill brick is a luxurious art-object that attracts, like a magnet, and makes the area more cosy and functional. He makes again and again to plan family gatherings, invite relatives, friends and acquaintances. To construct the grill is not as difficult and expensive as it might seem at first glance.
The grill at the cottage – a real family home
Built with his own hands braziers to give different shape, size, method of finishing and design of nearby territory. Structure can be very compact and to be in the back yard, away from the eyes. And can become a recreational area and unique decoration of the suburban area. A lot of options. Take a look at the following photos: the grill with your hands you can do anything. The choice depends on the personal preferences of the owners.
Brick grill for small garden can be quite compact
Made with your own hands sturdy brick grill allows you to cook not only barbecue, but also many other delicious dishes, very healthy. Its construction requires careful preparation. You need to choose the right place, define the shape and size of the grill, to understand how a surrounding area, to buy all the necessary materials.
Brick grill can coat the stone and lay before him the area
Choose the place Before you make the grill, you need to determine the main direction of the wind. You can use the wind rose of a settlement in which your house is, or make his own observations. To put the grill needs to leeward. So smoke will not interfere with the walkers and to those who prepares. In addition, the area under construction should be smooth, borders the recreation area and stay close to home. It is best if the grill will be located near a water source. This will give the opportunity to arrange a convenient open kitchenette. Structure it is desirable to close from rain, wind and snow. So many put him in the gazebo, or make a beautiful canopy. After all, to please close the delicious food I want in any weather.
Not to depend on the vagaries of the weather, the grill is preferably set under a canopy or gazebo
Study the drawings Before starting construction, you need to carefully study the drawings to lay their hands grill will be easier, knowing the intricacies of the process. Most often grill is a versatile summer complex. He has a place for firewood, bar, countertop and sink, furnace with door, brazier, equipped with a removable barbecue grill and the special tabs for the skewers, chimney and pipe.
Before building you need to carefully study the drawing of a grill brick
The drawing of a grill it is not necessary to do it yourself, you can download from the Internet. Craftsmen demonstrate dozens of choices is quite simple in execution barbecues. However, they do not yield to its functionality complex architectural designs.
The drawing of the grill will allow you to calculate the amount of materials and to avoid mistakes during the construction
Build grill own by Choosing a location and determining what will be the grill, you can safely proceed with construction. Let's consider step by step how to make a grill out of bricks, taking into account the recommendations of experienced builders.
- Preparing the area for the Foundation.
The Foundation for the barbecue needs to be reinforced
- Laid on the Foundation waterproofing material. You can use pieces of roofing felt or roofing material.
As the insulating material craftsmen gardeners recommend the use of conventional film
Used for barbecues refractory brick and red chimney. This is important because it is these kinds of bricks can withstand large temperature changes without failing. The day before the construction of the brick experienced builders recommend watered. So he will take the necessary amount of moisture and will not absorb water from the mortar.
- Spread the base of the grill.
Every three rows, you should check out the work of construction level and plumb
- After every three rows of bricks should be laid reinforcing mesh. This will give strength to the structure and prevent premature failure of the structure. The quality of work you should check the building level and plumb.
- The construction of the firebox and the brazier in the masonry is to be built in special metal parts that will later allow you to install removable mesh BBQ. In the firebox between the bricks leave the cracks: they provide extra air flow for better burning firewood.
Laying the Foundation, you can begin construction of the firebox and the brazier
- Lay out the pipe and smoke box. To begin, set the bricks in the extreme area of 50*50. Lay brick in a circle and do a smoke box. To do this, move the rows inside, no more than a third of their width. Then build a pipe with a width of four bricks. The height of the pipe should conform to the design drawing of the grill.
Ready grill can be plastered or brick tiles, and you can leave it as is, making masonry the main feature of the design
- "Dry stove": bred in the hearth of trial fire. If something was done wrong at this stage to alter the the easiest way. Exterior walls can be plastered or brick decorative tiles. The choice of materials depends on the overall design of suburban structures.
- Doing on the grill is a beautiful canopy that will protect the building from rain and snow. Put a beautiful bench supplied water. Develop the area in front of the building: it lay pavers or tiles.
Grill brick, be sure to equip a sink and convenient counter top
- Do curbs, divide flower beds or ridges. Planting ornamental shrubs.
Source: 101dizain.ru
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