Not to be my friend master pick-up...
Two million three hundred eighty six thousand eight hundred fifty seven
Went with a friend in a tram. At the stop I went luxurious brunette with a chiseled figure and settled right in front of us. A friend already jaw dropped, whispers to me:
— What a beautiful, amazing...
Apparently, the girl heard rave comments about her appearance and smiled involuntarily. Here I would like to note that my friend is quite shy and to communicate with the girls did not really know how. Noticing the smile on the face of beauty, he blushed and gave:
— What are you laughing at?
The website is now at Classmates! Push:
via factroom.ru
Went with a friend in a tram. At the stop I went luxurious brunette with a chiseled figure and settled right in front of us. A friend already jaw dropped, whispers to me:
— What a beautiful, amazing...
Apparently, the girl heard rave comments about her appearance and smiled involuntarily. Here I would like to note that my friend is quite shy and to communicate with the girls did not really know how. Noticing the smile on the face of beauty, he blushed and gave:
— What are you laughing at?
The website is now at Classmates! Push:
via factroom.ru
My aunt wanted the best and was in an uncomfortable position.
Screaming anecdote about a girl from the accident