There are only 6 signs of a soul mate. But everyone is wrong about the last one.

Finding a common language with a person is quite easy. But “coincidence” in the most elevated sense of the word is incredibly difficult. This coincidence is called soul mate acquisition, and it happens only a few times in a lifetime, if at all.

Website, After reading the monologue La mente es maravillosa about soul mates, I decided to figure out how to understand that you met her.

A kindred soul and a loved one, fate, the other half - whatever you want - are by no means the same thing. It can be your friend, relative, lover or just a friend. It happens that sometimes, even just seeing, hearing only one of his thoughts, laughing together at the same moment of the film, You realize that this is an incredibly close person to you.

Perhaps the main sign of a soul mate is the feeling that you have known each other for 100 years. It happens that you meet a person who is twice your age or younger, another nationality, religion, but at the same time you understand that you are a person who is twice your age or younger. you understand- in the deepest sense of the word.

You may have different preferences in clothing, food and other trifles, but in matters of morals, moral choices and emotional expression, you are very similar. You have a single system of values and worldview in general.

More complexly, the soul mate acts as our own reflection or reflection of our inner self. You understand him and you understand yourself at the same time, because you look at him as if you were looking in a mirror—the soul, of course, and not the appearance. "the law of the mirror".

Close spiritual connection and a similar worldview have great potential to result in something creative, in the joint creation of something - from a kind of creative, only you understandable adventure to the plan to conquer the world.

You're just so similar. Right away. If a person tries to change you, it means that he has different values, views, plans. Which means it's not your reflection anymore.

Photo by Ivan Troyanovsky



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