11 tricks, how to choose only the yummiest foods
Eighty eight million seven hundred seventy one thousand nine hundred forty one
While shopping in the store, we used to take something nicer to the eye. But is it right? It is not always beautiful — so tasty and healthy.
The website has collected tips that will help to make your table always only natural products.
When buying cheese it is necessary to pay attention to several points: the color should be uniform, without streaks and white residue on the crust; the eyes should be the same size throughout the piece and is distributed evenly; the elasticity — if you put pressure on the cheese and he won't accept the form back, it is better not to take.
The color of fresh meat should be pale pink, not brown. Pay attention to fat: they should be shiny and light. The structure of meat should well resist deformation (to return to original appearance) and should not stick to hands.
Ground coffee Choose coffee, whose price is average: the cheap product is unlikely to be good, and expensive is no different in taste. Good ground coffee never Packed in plastic cans — only in metal or glass. And the shelf life of the natural coffee should be no more than 18 months.
Natural honey should be transparent, have a uniform color. The taste quality honey is cloying, has a specific smell. If you RUB a drop of the honey between your fingers, it should be easy to RUB in and absorb into the skin.
Ice cream
When choosing ice cream, be sure to read the composition. Often dessert containing berries flavors, can not boast of natural ingredients. Well, if the product only contains nuts, candied fruit or marmalade as additives. But frozen ice is a solid preservative.
The chocolate In the first place when you select the chocolate you need to pay attention to the composition: the shorter it is, the better the tile. A quality product must contain exactly cocoa, or any derivative of this component — a sign of non-natural product In addition, it is better to take the tile, which is cocoa butter and not vegetable.
From fresh fish's eyes should be bright — cloudy and convex point to the fact that the fish is old. The gills should be bright red, in rare cases, allowed a light pink color (when using the gills lowered blood). And the body must be plastic: if the fish to take up, the tail to hang freely.
Fresh bread should not be hard, so the store is always need to touch the product. Better not to take the bread, wrapped in plastic: this package helps the pastry not to get stale over a long time, but after a few hours the product in a package loses its taste.
Carrots Choose carrots is very simple: you need to take one that is less bright, no spots, and small size.
Bell pepper
Bell pepper with 2-3 divisions will be bitter and have fewer seeds. If division 4 — fruit is sweet and with lots of grains. In uncut form, you should pay attention to the bumps of the pepper from the bottom.
Green onions
When choosing a bow look at the border between the white and the green parts of the feathers. If the border is clear, the bow is good; if vague — bow will be too hard.
Photos on the preview depositphotos, depositphotos
via ru.depositphotos.com/73971241/stock-photo-sweet-paper.html?utm_source=Adme&utm_medium=freesub&utm_campaign=RU-brand
While shopping in the store, we used to take something nicer to the eye. But is it right? It is not always beautiful — so tasty and healthy.
The website has collected tips that will help to make your table always only natural products.
When buying cheese it is necessary to pay attention to several points: the color should be uniform, without streaks and white residue on the crust; the eyes should be the same size throughout the piece and is distributed evenly; the elasticity — if you put pressure on the cheese and he won't accept the form back, it is better not to take.
The color of fresh meat should be pale pink, not brown. Pay attention to fat: they should be shiny and light. The structure of meat should well resist deformation (to return to original appearance) and should not stick to hands.
Ground coffee Choose coffee, whose price is average: the cheap product is unlikely to be good, and expensive is no different in taste. Good ground coffee never Packed in plastic cans — only in metal or glass. And the shelf life of the natural coffee should be no more than 18 months.
Natural honey should be transparent, have a uniform color. The taste quality honey is cloying, has a specific smell. If you RUB a drop of the honey between your fingers, it should be easy to RUB in and absorb into the skin.
Ice cream
When choosing ice cream, be sure to read the composition. Often dessert containing berries flavors, can not boast of natural ingredients. Well, if the product only contains nuts, candied fruit or marmalade as additives. But frozen ice is a solid preservative.
The chocolate In the first place when you select the chocolate you need to pay attention to the composition: the shorter it is, the better the tile. A quality product must contain exactly cocoa, or any derivative of this component — a sign of non-natural product In addition, it is better to take the tile, which is cocoa butter and not vegetable.
From fresh fish's eyes should be bright — cloudy and convex point to the fact that the fish is old. The gills should be bright red, in rare cases, allowed a light pink color (when using the gills lowered blood). And the body must be plastic: if the fish to take up, the tail to hang freely.
Fresh bread should not be hard, so the store is always need to touch the product. Better not to take the bread, wrapped in plastic: this package helps the pastry not to get stale over a long time, but after a few hours the product in a package loses its taste.
Carrots Choose carrots is very simple: you need to take one that is less bright, no spots, and small size.
Bell pepper
Bell pepper with 2-3 divisions will be bitter and have fewer seeds. If division 4 — fruit is sweet and with lots of grains. In uncut form, you should pay attention to the bumps of the pepper from the bottom.
Green onions
When choosing a bow look at the border between the white and the green parts of the feathers. If the border is clear, the bow is good; if vague — bow will be too hard.
Photos on the preview depositphotos, depositphotos
via ru.depositphotos.com/73971241/stock-photo-sweet-paper.html?utm_source=Adme&utm_medium=freesub&utm_campaign=RU-brand
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