7 evidence that our health is not dependent on the weather
Eighty seven million nine hundred eighty three thousand seven hundred fifty
We used to think that the poor health caused by changing weather conditions. This is not so. Therefore, if you are sure that your head is spinning, because it's going to rain, better go to a doctor to find the true cause of his ailments.
We in the Website have collected the most common myths about the treachery of the weather and their exposed.
Real cases of meteozavisimosti
via www.neurology.org/content/72/10/922
We used to think that the poor health caused by changing weather conditions. This is not so. Therefore, if you are sure that your head is spinning, because it's going to rain, better go to a doctor to find the true cause of his ailments.
We in the Website have collected the most common myths about the treachery of the weather and their exposed.
Real cases of meteozavisimosti
- Migraine — a catalyst for the emergence of pain is a variety of factors, including a change in the weather.
- Bleeding from the nose — low humidity and cold air drying the mucosa of the nose and can cause bleeding.
- Asthma — cold and dry air or, on the contrary, hot and humid can be a precipitating factor for the occurrence of the attack.
- Individual intolerance to heat or cold due to specific diseases (thyroid disease, menopause, etc.).
via www.neurology.org/content/72/10/922
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