10 weird things that are banned in different parts of the world
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Traveling around the world, we are rarely interested in the laws of different countries. But sometimes the possession of such information can prevent many incidents and unpleasant situations. In addition, many of these laws seem to us so extraordinary that they just cannot believe.
We at the Website did some digging in the laws of different countries and found 8 things that can't do their residents and tourists.
You can't eat cookies for Christmas UK
In 1644 Oliver Cromwell banned the celebration of Christmas, because they considered it immoral. Was officially prohibited many of the attributes of this holiday, including sweet cakes and holiday cookies. The law rebuked eat these sweets only on Christmas day.
The most interesting thing that has still not issued a decree which abolished the law of Cromwell. So purely formally, eating cookies at Christmas, a typical Englishman commits a crime, just already no one cares.
You can't touch the whales hands UK
And here's another weird English law. It is believed that all whales, dolphins and other marine mammals, floating in a radius of 3 miles from the coast of Britain, belongs to the Queen. So if you happen to come across some giant fish off the coast of England, you can't touch her hands. Well, you really try.
You can't rescue drowning people China
Mysterious Eastern mentality could not be reflected in the laws adopted in China. According to one of them to rescue the drowning is prohibited.
This law is associated with Eastern philosophy, which States that intervene in the destiny of man is immoral. However, some skeptics believe that this law the PRC government has introduced to reduce the population, which has exceeded all norms.
Not kissing at train stations France
This law is valid in France and in the UK. He says thatlove is forbidden to kiss on the platforms of train stations.
For the first time this law appeared in France in 1910. At that time, trains were often delayed because of the couples that didn't want to interrupt long kisses before parting. In the end, the authorities decided to ban kissing on the platforms but the stations are installed special zone for kisses where they still can retire.
Do not feed the pigeons Italy
While many cities in the world to tear the bun and feed them to the pigeons of the norm in Venice for such behavior you will be given a ticket. This law was introduced by the authorities to rescue the beautiful sculptures and monuments from the possible bird strikes.
The ban on the sale of "kinder" USA
From the appearance of the famous chocolate eggsthey were banned throughout the United States. The reason for the ban was a possible threat to the children. The authorities thought that a small child can accidentally choke on small parts hidden in the egg toy.
In 2013, the residents of the state were finally able to see the "kinder" on the shelves. Authorities allowed to sell the eggs, with the condition that the inside will be a large toy.
It is impossible to pay only a trifle Canada
In Canada you can not so easy to break the Bank 10 years ago to buy something for all the detail. The law, enacted in 1985, prohibits to pay one coinif the purchase price exceeds 10 canadian dollars.
We must not forget about the holiday spouses Samoa
Samoa — independent state in Oceania, is known for its very unusual laws. One of them says that the husband has no right to forget about the birthday of his wife. If that happens, the court will oblige the faithful to pay a fine, which will be available to the wife.
You can not step on money in Thailand
Finally, the law which we are obliged to warn all who are going to spend your vacation in Thailand. Walking on the roads of this exotic state, don't forget to look under feet. In Thailand is illegal to step on coins and paper notes, which depict the most revered Thais.
Photos on the preview depositphotos
via ru.depositphotos.com/model/14208286.html?utm_source=Adme&utm_medium=freesub&utm_campaign=RU-brand
Traveling around the world, we are rarely interested in the laws of different countries. But sometimes the possession of such information can prevent many incidents and unpleasant situations. In addition, many of these laws seem to us so extraordinary that they just cannot believe.
We at the Website did some digging in the laws of different countries and found 8 things that can't do their residents and tourists.
You can't eat cookies for Christmas UK
In 1644 Oliver Cromwell banned the celebration of Christmas, because they considered it immoral. Was officially prohibited many of the attributes of this holiday, including sweet cakes and holiday cookies. The law rebuked eat these sweets only on Christmas day.
The most interesting thing that has still not issued a decree which abolished the law of Cromwell. So purely formally, eating cookies at Christmas, a typical Englishman commits a crime, just already no one cares.
You can't touch the whales hands UK
And here's another weird English law. It is believed that all whales, dolphins and other marine mammals, floating in a radius of 3 miles from the coast of Britain, belongs to the Queen. So if you happen to come across some giant fish off the coast of England, you can't touch her hands. Well, you really try.
You can't rescue drowning people China
Mysterious Eastern mentality could not be reflected in the laws adopted in China. According to one of them to rescue the drowning is prohibited.
This law is associated with Eastern philosophy, which States that intervene in the destiny of man is immoral. However, some skeptics believe that this law the PRC government has introduced to reduce the population, which has exceeded all norms.
Not kissing at train stations France
This law is valid in France and in the UK. He says thatlove is forbidden to kiss on the platforms of train stations.
For the first time this law appeared in France in 1910. At that time, trains were often delayed because of the couples that didn't want to interrupt long kisses before parting. In the end, the authorities decided to ban kissing on the platforms but the stations are installed special zone for kisses where they still can retire.
Do not feed the pigeons Italy
While many cities in the world to tear the bun and feed them to the pigeons of the norm in Venice for such behavior you will be given a ticket. This law was introduced by the authorities to rescue the beautiful sculptures and monuments from the possible bird strikes.
The ban on the sale of "kinder" USA
From the appearance of the famous chocolate eggsthey were banned throughout the United States. The reason for the ban was a possible threat to the children. The authorities thought that a small child can accidentally choke on small parts hidden in the egg toy.
In 2013, the residents of the state were finally able to see the "kinder" on the shelves. Authorities allowed to sell the eggs, with the condition that the inside will be a large toy.
It is impossible to pay only a trifle Canada
In Canada you can not so easy to break the Bank 10 years ago to buy something for all the detail. The law, enacted in 1985, prohibits to pay one coinif the purchase price exceeds 10 canadian dollars.
We must not forget about the holiday spouses Samoa
Samoa — independent state in Oceania, is known for its very unusual laws. One of them says that the husband has no right to forget about the birthday of his wife. If that happens, the court will oblige the faithful to pay a fine, which will be available to the wife.
You can not step on money in Thailand
Finally, the law which we are obliged to warn all who are going to spend your vacation in Thailand. Walking on the roads of this exotic state, don't forget to look under feet. In Thailand is illegal to step on coins and paper notes, which depict the most revered Thais.
Photos on the preview depositphotos
via ru.depositphotos.com/model/14208286.html?utm_source=Adme&utm_medium=freesub&utm_campaign=RU-brand
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