7 classical problems that arise in modern families
Twenty eight million one hundred fifty two thousand thirty seven
After marriage the couple are enjoying the beginning of a life together, but eventually face difficulty, which absolutely was not ready.
The website I am sure that any misunderstandings and difficulties can be overcome with patience and humor.
Few people manage to escape the financial hole
One of the most important problems at the initial stage of marriage is financial difficulties. The young family's finances are often limited, and many have to contact the Bank for various loans to take out a mortgage, car loan, credit repair, etc. the Main thing is to remember that this is temporary difficulties and together you will cope.
Repair is a test for strength
The peace family at the time of repair can swear several times a day. Yes, this is a very difficult period in the life of the spouses and the real test. But when this is all over, you will be proud of the result and each other, and the process will only bring you closer together.
Sometimes you really want a change
Even if you are really in love, then eventually you will miss something new, wants change. The main thing — not to remain silent and to discuss it with the partner, together you will find the solution.
Appears more relatives, and they will need to get used
After the wedding a number of relatives will increase markedly. And it's perfect! Imagine how much you now about loving people and what a fun-filled family holidays can be arranged.
The lack of previous carefree — now always have goals in life
With the advent of new families will have overall dreams that turn into goals. And from that moment on have yourself a little limited. But when you will gradually achieve common goals, to fully feel yourself a happy man.
Get used to talking and thinking two steps ahead
No more selfishness, you now need to get used to doing it "oversized". Over time you will learn the habits and preferences of your second half and be intuitive to guess the needs of each other.
Different routine
The most common phenomenon. Over time you will adjust to each other, and yet distribute family duties and let one engaged in useful things, while the other is sleeping.
Over time you will learn to think alike and read each other's minds
The positive thing about marriage: over time you will become similar to each other and will be able to read the thoughts of a loved one, and with it, your house will settle the full harmony.
Illustrator Marat Nugumanov specifically for the Website
via #image1269115
After marriage the couple are enjoying the beginning of a life together, but eventually face difficulty, which absolutely was not ready.
The website I am sure that any misunderstandings and difficulties can be overcome with patience and humor.
Few people manage to escape the financial hole
One of the most important problems at the initial stage of marriage is financial difficulties. The young family's finances are often limited, and many have to contact the Bank for various loans to take out a mortgage, car loan, credit repair, etc. the Main thing is to remember that this is temporary difficulties and together you will cope.
Repair is a test for strength
The peace family at the time of repair can swear several times a day. Yes, this is a very difficult period in the life of the spouses and the real test. But when this is all over, you will be proud of the result and each other, and the process will only bring you closer together.
Sometimes you really want a change
Even if you are really in love, then eventually you will miss something new, wants change. The main thing — not to remain silent and to discuss it with the partner, together you will find the solution.
Appears more relatives, and they will need to get used
After the wedding a number of relatives will increase markedly. And it's perfect! Imagine how much you now about loving people and what a fun-filled family holidays can be arranged.
The lack of previous carefree — now always have goals in life
With the advent of new families will have overall dreams that turn into goals. And from that moment on have yourself a little limited. But when you will gradually achieve common goals, to fully feel yourself a happy man.
Get used to talking and thinking two steps ahead
No more selfishness, you now need to get used to doing it "oversized". Over time you will learn the habits and preferences of your second half and be intuitive to guess the needs of each other.
Different routine
The most common phenomenon. Over time you will adjust to each other, and yet distribute family duties and let one engaged in useful things, while the other is sleeping.
Over time you will learn to think alike and read each other's minds
The positive thing about marriage: over time you will become similar to each other and will be able to read the thoughts of a loved one, and with it, your house will settle the full harmony.
Illustrator Marat Nugumanov specifically for the Website
via #image1269115
7 evidence that our health is not dependent on the weather
Put your hands together and pay attention to one small detail.