3 remedies for beautiful hair color without chemicals
Seventy eight million eighty three thousand nine hundred fifty one
Always nice to see in the mirror a radiant healthy hair. However, in the pursuit of ideal world, we increasingly use is not harmless, the funds only at the time of granting the illusion of perfection. Well, the summer is a good reason to give the hair a rest!
The website offers to pay attention to natural dyes, which give the hair a pleasant hue, without destroying their natural beauty.
Representatives of this type to give hair Shine and beautiful, deep colors can use a mixture of sage and rosemary.
You will need:
The painting process:
In boiling water add all the ingredients, boil on low heat for 4 minutes, and insist about an hour. Then repeatedly opolaskivaniem broth washed hair. You can use the product on dry hair daily with a spray gun. Repeat the procedure to get the desired result.
For a more saturated color, add black tea, Golden iridescence can be obtained by replacing the rosemary for chamomile, the beautiful brown shades give a decoction of the leaves and twigs of lime trees, and the deep brown tone — shell walnuts.
+ Tip: it is worth considering that natural dyes tend to change hair color on a 1-2 pitch.
Coffee will give a delicious dark curls interesting chocolate brown hues. And caffeine, and useful minerals will give hair Shine and strength.
You will need:
The painting process:
Brew a strong Cup of coffee, insist and put in the refrigerator. Mix the conditioner with the ground coffee and add the previously chilled coffee. Apply the mixture on dry hair and leave for an hour and then wash off my hair. For fixing you can use coffee decoction after each washing.
The duration of the colouring effect on the intensity of the color. To get the enchanting Burgundy tones, you can add cocoa, St. John's wort orBlackBerry. And to keep a deep dark tone, use the broth from shells of acorns orthe bark of spruce.
+ Tip: to improve the structure of hair is useful on a daily basis to comb them for 5 minutes in the fresh air, and density of hair will return to castor oil.
To preserve the beauty of the light strands do not have to resort to the ultra new clarifiers. Shining hues of curls you can make using the gifts of nature.
You will need:
The painting process:
Chamomile flowers pour boiling water and insist about half an hour. Add the honey and lemon juice, mix well and apply on length of hair. Cover the head with a bag, zamatyvaem towel and leave for half an hour. Wash off with warm water, use the conditioner with the oils.
For warm Golden tones you can use the powder of the rhubarb root. If you want to achieve the best light results,, add a mixture of cinnamon and ginger.
+ Tip: sometimes natural remedies to dye cause dry hair, this can be avoided using aloe Vera juice, oil of Camellia, argan, coconut, olive or linseed oil.
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Always nice to see in the mirror a radiant healthy hair. However, in the pursuit of ideal world, we increasingly use is not harmless, the funds only at the time of granting the illusion of perfection. Well, the summer is a good reason to give the hair a rest!
The website offers to pay attention to natural dyes, which give the hair a pleasant hue, without destroying their natural beauty.

Representatives of this type to give hair Shine and beautiful, deep colors can use a mixture of sage and rosemary.
You will need:
- Sage (dried) — 4-6 tbsp
- Rosemary — 1-2 tbsp
The painting process:
In boiling water add all the ingredients, boil on low heat for 4 minutes, and insist about an hour. Then repeatedly opolaskivaniem broth washed hair. You can use the product on dry hair daily with a spray gun. Repeat the procedure to get the desired result.
For a more saturated color, add black tea, Golden iridescence can be obtained by replacing the rosemary for chamomile, the beautiful brown shades give a decoction of the leaves and twigs of lime trees, and the deep brown tone — shell walnuts.
+ Tip: it is worth considering that natural dyes tend to change hair color on a 1-2 pitch.

Coffee will give a delicious dark curls interesting chocolate brown hues. And caffeine, and useful minerals will give hair Shine and strength.
You will need:
- Ground coffee — 2-3 tbsp
- Leave-in conditioner — 150-250 g.
The painting process:
Brew a strong Cup of coffee, insist and put in the refrigerator. Mix the conditioner with the ground coffee and add the previously chilled coffee. Apply the mixture on dry hair and leave for an hour and then wash off my hair. For fixing you can use coffee decoction after each washing.
The duration of the colouring effect on the intensity of the color. To get the enchanting Burgundy tones, you can add cocoa, St. John's wort orBlackBerry. And to keep a deep dark tone, use the broth from shells of acorns orthe bark of spruce.
+ Tip: to improve the structure of hair is useful on a daily basis to comb them for 5 minutes in the fresh air, and density of hair will return to castor oil.

To preserve the beauty of the light strands do not have to resort to the ultra new clarifiers. Shining hues of curls you can make using the gifts of nature.
You will need:
- Chamomile flowers — 2-4 tbsp
- Honey — 3 tbsp
- Lemon — 0,5–1 pieces.
The painting process:
Chamomile flowers pour boiling water and insist about half an hour. Add the honey and lemon juice, mix well and apply on length of hair. Cover the head with a bag, zamatyvaem towel and leave for half an hour. Wash off with warm water, use the conditioner with the oils.
For warm Golden tones you can use the powder of the rhubarb root. If you want to achieve the best light results,, add a mixture of cinnamon and ginger.
+ Tip: sometimes natural remedies to dye cause dry hair, this can be avoided using aloe Vera juice, oil of Camellia, argan, coconut, olive or linseed oil.
Photos on the preview Depositphotos
via depositphotos.com?utm_source=Adme&utm_medium=freesub&utm_campaign=EN-brand