Asked my husband to take my daughter to kindergarten, but the task was not simple...
Forty nine million nine hundred fifty one thousand nine hundred thirty five
Went on a business trip for a few days. My husband asked the morning to take my daughter to kindergarten. Further, according to educators.
Children in kindergarten lead until 8:30. On the clock 10:30, the door opens, my daughter runs in crying, the hat askew, from his nose snot flowing stream. Behind her flies an angry father. Hair disheveled, eyes full of madness. Breaking into a nervous cry, begins to shout:
— What?! This is your garden?! In our area it is the last!
via factroom.ru
Went on a business trip for a few days. My husband asked the morning to take my daughter to kindergarten. Further, according to educators.
Children in kindergarten lead until 8:30. On the clock 10:30, the door opens, my daughter runs in crying, the hat askew, from his nose snot flowing stream. Behind her flies an angry father. Hair disheveled, eyes full of madness. Breaking into a nervous cry, begins to shout:
— What?! This is your garden?! In our area it is the last!
via factroom.ru
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