Banks in their ideas about good citizens...
Thirty two million eight hundred forty two thousand two hundred
Got a job in the credit Department of a large Bank. In my first day came to our uncle with a bottle of beer, casually wrapped in a paper bag. The office was filled with the acrid smell of fume. The client asked to make a consumer loan. This honestly admitted that he wants to hangover. Wanted to take 200 rubles, but less than 1000 rubles Bank. I had to take, how much give. In the loan agreement wrote: "For urgent needs".
But that's not true — say.
— Why lie? Do you doubt that he really pressing needs?
Then I remembered a swollen face with a weekly bristles.
— No, I have no doubt.
— Here see. And anyway, it's our regular customer. On its account already 11 loans and excellent credit history. No delay. He even recently offered credit up to one million rubles without guarantors. For in our time of diligent the borrower is a rarity.
via factroom.ru
Got a job in the credit Department of a large Bank. In my first day came to our uncle with a bottle of beer, casually wrapped in a paper bag. The office was filled with the acrid smell of fume. The client asked to make a consumer loan. This honestly admitted that he wants to hangover. Wanted to take 200 rubles, but less than 1000 rubles Bank. I had to take, how much give. In the loan agreement wrote: "For urgent needs".
But that's not true — say.
— Why lie? Do you doubt that he really pressing needs?
Then I remembered a swollen face with a weekly bristles.
— No, I have no doubt.
— Here see. And anyway, it's our regular customer. On its account already 11 loans and excellent credit history. No delay. He even recently offered credit up to one million rubles without guarantors. For in our time of diligent the borrower is a rarity.
via factroom.ru
I recently realized why women live longer than men...
Parents MOTOBIKE hundreds of thousands of dollars