In Japan, 3 years the train went only for 1 schoolgirl, the care of citizens should be

Road from home to school Sometimes it takes kids a lot of time. Someone is lucky to live nearby, and someone has to walk or take the bus. An interesting case was recorded in Japan. According to a beautiful story, on one of the Japanese islands, the train went only for one schoolgirl. But could that really be true?

Information on the Internet about this story appeared a long time ago. According to Chinese media, Japan’s Hokkaido planned to close the Kami Shirataki station in 2013 due to its unpopularity. However, it became known that the train was waiting every day. lone passenger - a school-age girl. To get to her school, she had to take the train and return home.

Rumor has it that the railroad directors were so moved by the incident that they decided not to close the station until the girl graduated from school. She had to get a certificate in 2016, because all this time the trains went properly. Repairs were also carried out on conscience. But Internet users have questioned whether this story is true from beginning to end. After all, it looks like a script for a movie or just a beautiful urban legend.

Peels A little bit of embellishment turned out to be storybut not to the end. A beautiful tale of a lonely girl who looks with hope at a single train is nothing more than an embellished fiction. But don’t be in a hurry to scold the person who invented it, in every way. Let's see what's true. So, the schoolgirl really was.

But its station was not called Kami Shirataki, but Kyu Shirataki. In addition, about a dozen children from the same school went with the girl. In the morning, students could only take one train, but after school they had three flights at different times to choose from. It turns out that not everything was so sad at this station.

Unfortunately, it is also true that the direction of less popular It's pretty remote. So the local government decided to close three railway stations at once: Kyu Shirataki, Kami Shirataki and Shimo Shirataki. It was supposed to happen according to plan in 2016 and was unrelated to when children would graduate from school. That's an interesting coincidence.

Despite the sad end of the story of the lonely girl, the railway transport of Japan is extremely developed. The country can boast of its shinkansen - superhigh-speed railways and trains. During the tests, the trains were able to accelerate to 443 km / h on conventional rails and up to 580 km / h on magnetic rails. Just think about those numbers. It's just incomprehensible. high-tech They work in this incredible country.

The Japanese are a very punctual nation. They value not only their personal time, but also someone else’s. Therefore, they try to avoid serious delays in the movement of trains, metro, buses. And if such awkwardness occurs, the employees of the company apologize passengers in public. There was a case where Tsukuba Epress apologized to passengers for their train starting early by as much as 20 seconds.

The road from home to school is now impossible to deny the care of Japanese citizens. And although not all the stories from the Internet are true, they still demonstrate this people only from the Internet. better. One day, such technologies will spread far beyond Japan. Then many will be able to see relatives more often, and the road to work will take a few minutes.

We believe that each of us has a story about how he got to school. For example, I had to walk about 2 km in one direction. It was a lot of fun when friends were around. How did you get to school? Be sure to write about it in the comments. It will be interesting to read the stories of different people.


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