"Johnny, where do your mom?!»
Forty five million eight hundred two thousand eight hundred fifty five
Went once third graders on large construction site together with the teacher to see the work of the builders. During the tour, an accident happened: one man fell off a ladder and broke his leg.
When the children returned to school, the shop decided to dismantle this situation.
Masha Petrova, you know, because of what fell this Builder? — the teacher asked.
— I think, Vasily Ivanovich, he disregarded safety.
— Quite possible. And you, Vanya her son, what do you think?
Well... Maybe he drank before going to work…
— Yes, and this can be.
Suddenly from his seat little johnny gets up and says:
— No! The Builder fell down the stairs because I swear on my mom!
— Vovochka, and here at your mom?!
— Well, I heard with my own ears, like a construction worker yelled: "Boy! Holy shit! Stop shaking my ladder!".
via factroom.ru
Went once third graders on large construction site together with the teacher to see the work of the builders. During the tour, an accident happened: one man fell off a ladder and broke his leg.
When the children returned to school, the shop decided to dismantle this situation.
Masha Petrova, you know, because of what fell this Builder? — the teacher asked.
— I think, Vasily Ivanovich, he disregarded safety.
— Quite possible. And you, Vanya her son, what do you think?
Well... Maybe he drank before going to work…
— Yes, and this can be.
Suddenly from his seat little johnny gets up and says:
— No! The Builder fell down the stairs because I swear on my mom!
— Vovochka, and here at your mom?!
— Well, I heard with my own ears, like a construction worker yelled: "Boy! Holy shit! Stop shaking my ladder!".
via factroom.ru