The financial system is on the shelves
Ask a social studies teacher at the kids to prepare business plans.
But Cho - the theme entrepreneurship, even on the subject of intra pokreativyat business. School of something - a model state. And fifth-graders took up homework ever zealously. And now - a lesson presentation.
No age cumbersome detail laid an excellent student, she combine the power suit. Nimble redhead boy described the fantastic prospects of transformation of the school transport system: there are elevators and escalators, and rickshaws. Gloomy neat guy, not like the crazy IT specialist, made the class a report on the automation system, access control, accounting and control based on the school computer network. Brisk veselushka described the manufacture of footwear for all teachers, students and even for export sales.
And that goes to the board slim modest girl with open-face and kind eyes.
- All of you - she says classmates - started their business plans with the words "I will take out a bank loan." So, I open the bank.
By series rolled discreet hum of admiration and envy, and they themselves do not dotumkal?
- I have such conditions - continues girl - everyone can take any amount under 20% per annum.
- Like any? And can a million - raised his head dozing in the back row to anecdotal Vovochka typical bully and repetition.
- At least a billion. At least a hundred billion. But beware - at the end of the year the money will have to pay interest. Those who do not give up - take away property.
- Cho, the whole business otberesh? - Indignant, alley cheeks, thick excellent student.
- No of course! Only missing part'll take no more.
- Normal conditions. Even excellent - carefully minted pros, looking up from the calculator, - I agree.
Behind it all nodded their voices - so kind and generous bank all liked.
- Well, - continued quiet "banker" - at the beginning of the year I will give a mountain of money. But however much I issued, 100% of the money cover 100% of the school of business. And in the end, I need to return 120% of the issued money. Mountain and plus one-fifth of the mountains. And you have on hand - only the mountain, 20% of which I demand from above, does not exist in nature. So, according to the results, I'll take 20% of the school.
For the year someone will be able to collect 120% of the money, and someone, and 400%. But this means that the other half budei not required to return to duty. But it is not important. It is important that in any case, once you have agreed to take a loan, you give me 20% of the school.
Next year - 20% more. And so on. Well, to the tenth grade, I am the only owner of the school. Today, you dream of well-being, business success and development. By the tenth grade you will be my slaves and I will decide who will live and who will die of hunger.
The class fell silent. The teacher let down crooked confused clapped eyes. Someone's in the bag incredibly loud vibrating cell phone.
- What a bank - the first repetition Vovochka alive - without the bank will manage.
- Exactly! - Ignited the hope of veselushka shoe business - without banks and dispense money, barter will our goods and services to change each other.
- And how do you pay off for ice cream - truly surprised "banker" - the heel of the boot were broken off, and you give? And with employees than you will pay? Sneakers? So they have no time to work will be - will be the days of the search for the baker, who sneakers need to buy a muffin with jam. Look, ask Dashki - "banker" nodded in the catering excellent student - she agreed to accept payment of sneakers.
- And we'll write each other receipts! - I found pros.
- Good idea - nodded "banker" - and three days each will be here-Taken stop zapisochek: "I gave Cole a chair", "Vasya me on the escalator drove", "Took Ani sneakers" ... So what? How then to deal with all this?
The class fell silent again. Pale teacher nervously twisted brasletku on the wrist, with the absent-mindedly looking downcast at the class, at the calm and sweet rapporteur with kind eyes.
- It - Little Johnny stood up suddenly, banged chair - Ivanov, and you will definitely belong to the school?
- Of course - the girl shrugged. This is elementary.
- Then it's ... - Little Johnny nozzles fumbled fingernail characteristic blisters on the knuckles fists and tried to find the words - Ivanova, take me to work. If someone give for their debts will not - I will help. Yeah? And I do not need much. You give me a computer class (pros flinched but said nothing), where I'll play zone.
- Well, - there and then he agreed to "banker" - will force departments.
- No, - mumbled Little Johnny - come on ... Let'll rename "Special Forces»!
"Banker" again nodded and turned to is not fun veselushka:
- Anya, well, why do you deal with the shoe business that you still lost? You want to receive, and not to lose, right? So, I'll give you 10% of the school.
- What should I do? - Anya asked cautiously, feeling the next trick.
- You see, I do not really want to work. Therefore, to work for me will you. All this fuss - to consider the money issue among ... Suddenly, someone else wants to take a loan? Here I will give you and the money at 20% per annum. Will you distribute them by 22%. Your share - 10% of the mine, all honest.
- Is it possible I will not be under 22% of the issue, and by how much I want to ... Under? - Cheered veselushka.
- Of course. But do not think that your school will be. That's going to give you money under 33%, and in three years the school will be like yours. However, something you took my money under 20%, which, as you remember, do not exist in nature. And the school still will be my five years. And I'll give you your 10%, you do not get them myself. Do you understand? I - the owner.
- What a hostess - full cheeks gurgled through the excellent pupil, and immediately received a strong slap on Vovochki.
- MarPalna - turned "banker" for a peaceful verdant semiconscious teacher - and you do not worry. I'll give you a big salary. You just learn all that it should be, that does not happen to another. Tells the children that if a lot and work well, we can be successful, to become rich. You see, the more they work, the faster I'll be rich. And the better you'll puff brains students, the more I'll pay you. Clear?
In the eyes of the teacher he flashed a spark of consciousness and hope, and it is often finely nodded devotedly looking at pyatiklassnitsu.
Source: vk.com
But Cho - the theme entrepreneurship, even on the subject of intra pokreativyat business. School of something - a model state. And fifth-graders took up homework ever zealously. And now - a lesson presentation.
No age cumbersome detail laid an excellent student, she combine the power suit. Nimble redhead boy described the fantastic prospects of transformation of the school transport system: there are elevators and escalators, and rickshaws. Gloomy neat guy, not like the crazy IT specialist, made the class a report on the automation system, access control, accounting and control based on the school computer network. Brisk veselushka described the manufacture of footwear for all teachers, students and even for export sales.
And that goes to the board slim modest girl with open-face and kind eyes.
- All of you - she says classmates - started their business plans with the words "I will take out a bank loan." So, I open the bank.
By series rolled discreet hum of admiration and envy, and they themselves do not dotumkal?
- I have such conditions - continues girl - everyone can take any amount under 20% per annum.
- Like any? And can a million - raised his head dozing in the back row to anecdotal Vovochka typical bully and repetition.
- At least a billion. At least a hundred billion. But beware - at the end of the year the money will have to pay interest. Those who do not give up - take away property.
- Cho, the whole business otberesh? - Indignant, alley cheeks, thick excellent student.
- No of course! Only missing part'll take no more.
- Normal conditions. Even excellent - carefully minted pros, looking up from the calculator, - I agree.
Behind it all nodded their voices - so kind and generous bank all liked.
- Well, - continued quiet "banker" - at the beginning of the year I will give a mountain of money. But however much I issued, 100% of the money cover 100% of the school of business. And in the end, I need to return 120% of the issued money. Mountain and plus one-fifth of the mountains. And you have on hand - only the mountain, 20% of which I demand from above, does not exist in nature. So, according to the results, I'll take 20% of the school.
For the year someone will be able to collect 120% of the money, and someone, and 400%. But this means that the other half budei not required to return to duty. But it is not important. It is important that in any case, once you have agreed to take a loan, you give me 20% of the school.
Next year - 20% more. And so on. Well, to the tenth grade, I am the only owner of the school. Today, you dream of well-being, business success and development. By the tenth grade you will be my slaves and I will decide who will live and who will die of hunger.
The class fell silent. The teacher let down crooked confused clapped eyes. Someone's in the bag incredibly loud vibrating cell phone.
- What a bank - the first repetition Vovochka alive - without the bank will manage.
- Exactly! - Ignited the hope of veselushka shoe business - without banks and dispense money, barter will our goods and services to change each other.
- And how do you pay off for ice cream - truly surprised "banker" - the heel of the boot were broken off, and you give? And with employees than you will pay? Sneakers? So they have no time to work will be - will be the days of the search for the baker, who sneakers need to buy a muffin with jam. Look, ask Dashki - "banker" nodded in the catering excellent student - she agreed to accept payment of sneakers.
- And we'll write each other receipts! - I found pros.
- Good idea - nodded "banker" - and three days each will be here-Taken stop zapisochek: "I gave Cole a chair", "Vasya me on the escalator drove", "Took Ani sneakers" ... So what? How then to deal with all this?
The class fell silent again. Pale teacher nervously twisted brasletku on the wrist, with the absent-mindedly looking downcast at the class, at the calm and sweet rapporteur with kind eyes.
- It - Little Johnny stood up suddenly, banged chair - Ivanov, and you will definitely belong to the school?
- Of course - the girl shrugged. This is elementary.
- Then it's ... - Little Johnny nozzles fumbled fingernail characteristic blisters on the knuckles fists and tried to find the words - Ivanova, take me to work. If someone give for their debts will not - I will help. Yeah? And I do not need much. You give me a computer class (pros flinched but said nothing), where I'll play zone.
- Well, - there and then he agreed to "banker" - will force departments.
- No, - mumbled Little Johnny - come on ... Let'll rename "Special Forces»!
"Banker" again nodded and turned to is not fun veselushka:
- Anya, well, why do you deal with the shoe business that you still lost? You want to receive, and not to lose, right? So, I'll give you 10% of the school.
- What should I do? - Anya asked cautiously, feeling the next trick.
- You see, I do not really want to work. Therefore, to work for me will you. All this fuss - to consider the money issue among ... Suddenly, someone else wants to take a loan? Here I will give you and the money at 20% per annum. Will you distribute them by 22%. Your share - 10% of the mine, all honest.
- Is it possible I will not be under 22% of the issue, and by how much I want to ... Under? - Cheered veselushka.
- Of course. But do not think that your school will be. That's going to give you money under 33%, and in three years the school will be like yours. However, something you took my money under 20%, which, as you remember, do not exist in nature. And the school still will be my five years. And I'll give you your 10%, you do not get them myself. Do you understand? I - the owner.
- What a hostess - full cheeks gurgled through the excellent pupil, and immediately received a strong slap on Vovochki.
- MarPalna - turned "banker" for a peaceful verdant semiconscious teacher - and you do not worry. I'll give you a big salary. You just learn all that it should be, that does not happen to another. Tells the children that if a lot and work well, we can be successful, to become rich. You see, the more they work, the faster I'll be rich. And the better you'll puff brains students, the more I'll pay you. Clear?
In the eyes of the teacher he flashed a spark of consciousness and hope, and it is often finely nodded devotedly looking at pyatiklassnitsu.

Source: vk.com