Once a photographer went on an editorial assignment ...
One day the editors of the magazine sent a famous photographer on a mission. He needed to make beautiful shots of the eruption of a small volcano on the island and send them to print. The order from the editorial office was urgent, so the photographer immediately got into the car and phoned the local airport from it, asking them to prepare the plane with the pilot for his arrival.
At the airport, the famous photographer was recognized by his voice and assured that they would do everything necessary. Arriving there, the man immediately ran to the airfield, brushing off the airline workers, because he was in a great hurry to catch the right moment.
Running to the beginning of the runway, the photographer saw that there was a small two-seater plane with a propeller already spinning and a pilot sitting inside the cabin. The photographer jumped into the plane and shouted to the pilot:
- Let's take off!
The pilot obediently accelerated down the runway and rapidly gained altitude.
- So, now you have to fly up to the volcano and make three or four circles around it! - said the photographer to the pilot.
- Excuse me, but why do you need to do this? - the guy at the wheel answered in bewilderment.
- What do you mean why? Can't you see that I am a famous photographer, and photographers take pictures!
After this phrase, the pilot turned to the photographer, and he saw that the guy turned pale and sweaty. Finally, the pilot, almost crying, squeezed out of himself in a breaking voice:
- So you are not my flight instructor? ..
via factroom.ru
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