I have the most understanding girl in the world!
Ninety eight million five hundred eighty four thousand three hundred twenty nine
Recently vacationed with a friend at the bar. Being already pretty drunk, I owe him my phone number. Had to pay the debt, that friend handed me his camera. Of course, the contacts in the phone memory, I just don't have time. Wake up in the morning with a hangover, and sitting next to my girlfriend and stares at me.
— What happened?
— Yes, yesterday you crawled home drunk, the phone threw a fit and went to sleep. I decided to find out what you and the Sled was doing.
Watched the last SMS and calls, and there is some girls! The contact list is full "sun", "Bunny", "dolls" and "candy." So I understand that it's not your phone.
And why do you think so?
— Yes, you have the mother recorded as "Dostacha", sister — "Demon in the flesh", and I — "Destroyer of the brain." What is there to think…
via factroom.ru
Recently vacationed with a friend at the bar. Being already pretty drunk, I owe him my phone number. Had to pay the debt, that friend handed me his camera. Of course, the contacts in the phone memory, I just don't have time. Wake up in the morning with a hangover, and sitting next to my girlfriend and stares at me.
— What happened?
— Yes, yesterday you crawled home drunk, the phone threw a fit and went to sleep. I decided to find out what you and the Sled was doing.
Watched the last SMS and calls, and there is some girls! The contact list is full "sun", "Bunny", "dolls" and "candy." So I understand that it's not your phone.
And why do you think so?
— Yes, you have the mother recorded as "Dostacha", sister — "Demon in the flesh", and I — "Destroyer of the brain." What is there to think…
via factroom.ru
Help a lost Fox get out of the maze
"That's not your concern", or the Most tactless question, which women want to climb the walls…