Once I met a Korean, but one day she stopped responding to messages...
Thirty seven million nine hundred sixteen thousand nine hundred forty nine
I used to go on Dating sites. Somehow on one of these services met a charming Korean. It turned out that we live in the same city. A couple of times we met, walked, gradually we struck up a romantic relationship.
A month after we met she went to his Home to see loved ones. Every day we were texting, she regularly sent me her photos, and I just admired her beauty from the very beautiful, super, cute, etc. a week Later our exciting romantic correspondences she stopped answering me, and then completely blocked. Even tried to call, but it was useless. After some time I came to his ex-girlfriend and tried to find out the cause of our separation:
I don't know what happened?! Why did you put me in a block?
— Look, last week I sent you photos of different girls and you didn't even notice that it was not me in the picture!
Now even the most beautiful girls of Asian appearance I try to avoid.
via factroom.ru
I used to go on Dating sites. Somehow on one of these services met a charming Korean. It turned out that we live in the same city. A couple of times we met, walked, gradually we struck up a romantic relationship.
A month after we met she went to his Home to see loved ones. Every day we were texting, she regularly sent me her photos, and I just admired her beauty from the very beautiful, super, cute, etc. a week Later our exciting romantic correspondences she stopped answering me, and then completely blocked. Even tried to call, but it was useless. After some time I came to his ex-girlfriend and tried to find out the cause of our separation:
I don't know what happened?! Why did you put me in a block?
— Look, last week I sent you photos of different girls and you didn't even notice that it was not me in the picture!
Now even the most beautiful girls of Asian appearance I try to avoid.
via factroom.ru
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