"Why am I so happy?" ?

Three women died one day and ended up in Paradise. An angel met them at the entrance and said:
- My dear ones, you are in Paradise. I'll let you do whatever you want here, except one. We have a lot of little chickens running around here, it is strictly forbidden to step on them. Those who disobey will face a terrible punishment.
The next day, one of the women tripped and stepped on a chicken. At the same moment there was thunder and an angel appeared in front of her, next to whom stood a terrible man without one eye and hand.
- I told you that a crushed chicken would be punished! Now you'll be chained to this man for ten years. The angel said and tied the terrible man with a rope to the guilty woman.
A few more days have passed. The remaining women tried to walk on tiptoes so as not to step on the chicks. However, one did not see the chicken and stepped on it. Again there was thunder and an angel appeared, leading a disgusting humpback man.
- This is your punishment for a dead chicken! You will be with this man for twenty years, said the angel and tied the man to the woman.
It has been a week. The last of the free women behaved very carefully and carefully looked at her feet, never stepping on a single chicken. At the end of the week, an angel appeared to her, who led a beautiful tall young man to the woman. The woman could not contain the cry of joy:
- Oh, my God! Why am I so happy?!
- Well, I don't know what you're for, but yesterday I stepped on a chicken... the handsome man replied.
via factroom.ru
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