8 scientific ways to feel truly happy

Self-confidence, burst of energy, depression, happiness — according to scientists, this is just chemical processes in our brain. For them is serotonin, which is called hormone of happiness.
The website will tell you what you need to do to raise the level of serotonin and feel happy.
1. Don't hide from daylight, Daylight prompts the brain to produce more serotonin. Therefore, researchers are advised to develop the habit to get out every day for 10-20 minute walk.
2. Do not give up sugar entirelyGlucose necessary for the synthesis of serotonin: it causes the release of insulin, which, in turn, triggers the production of serotonin. Therefore, the desire to eat sweet can say that the body lacks this hormone. Glucose is rich in honey, berries, fruit, cabbage, carrots and cereals.
3. Take vitamins B6 and B12 To the amount of serotonin is affected by the vitamins B6 and B12. Studies have shown that they help to get out of depression.
Not necessary to drink vitamins separately. They have eggs, potatoes, oranges, cereals, grains, meat, dairy products and fish. Dose of vitamin B6 for an adult is 2 mg/ day, B12 is 2.4 mcg.
4. Be actively positive

Convincing myself to be happy, do you become happier! Scientists have discovered that a conscious positive attitude leads to increased serotonin levels.
According to research, it is sufficient to chat with friends, listen to soothing music, indulge in pleasant nostalgia, read positive books and not think about the problems and their solution.
5. Do not forget about proteins proteins contain tryptophan, an amino acid, which determines the synthesis of serotonin. The lack of tryptophan in the body does not produce serotonin, and we feel happy. To avoid this, consume the daily requirement of protein for an adult is 1.5–2.5 g per 1 kg of body weight. Tryptophan rich in nuts, cheese, halva, Turkey and chicken.
6. Do massage Massage reduces levels of cortisol — the stress hormone, which blocks the synthesis of serotonin. The less cortisol, more serotonin. Studies show that massage reduces cortisol levels by an average of 31 %.
7. Exercise According to research,during exercise produces tryptophan. Its levels in the body remain high even after exercise. That's why we have after a workout, even a long time in a good mood.
8. Meditate often Under stress the body cannot produce serotonin. Research says when we meditate, we relax and suppressing the activity of stressosome areas of the brain. Meditation is a good way to relieve stress and natural help the body to synthesize serotonin.
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via www.adme.ru/zhizn-nauka/chto-proizojdet-s-vashim-telom-esli-vy-budete-sedat-2-banana-v-den-1492865/
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