How We Chose my daughter a bike

In our life responsible event — it's time to buy your first two-wheeled bike. Has been viewed a lot of educational information and listened to advice from friends. My husband wanted to buy a quality vehicle but pay the extra amount sought.
After a bit of searching, our choice was stopped on the store http://alisa-ua.com/g6246366-kolesnye-velosipedy-detskie Alice. On the website, we noticed the largest selection of model number, and began to study the technical characteristics in order to determine the purchase. Daughter liked the Profi model Monster Gel. This is a good bike to start with, since there are auxiliary wheels, basket for toys, seat and handlebar are adjustable in height of a child. Liked the beautiful design, eye-catching combination of black with pink flowers. It is evident that the model created for a true Princess, bearings pink.
The second model Hello Kitty very much mom. It also created for a glamorous Princess. The color combination of white with pink seemed very gentle and sweet. Such vehicles learning to drive a pleasure. There is front and rear brake, the child will be safe, protected circuit and all parameters that can be changed as child grows. In addition, this bike was purchased by the friend of his daughter, and for a year of use I have not heard any complaints. But dad didn't like white wheels, thought it was not very practical. So suggested.
Bike BEN is most useful to the father, because it is for children a little older. If the previous model is recommended for children from two to four years, this model is for older children, 3-6. Basically, if the child quickly grew up to 2.5 years, this model is ideal. All the necessary features for the beginner is: front and rear brake, training wheels. In addition, this model is ideal for the younger brother over time.
I chose the best option.
But the main decision was for her. We purchased a bike with your favorite Fixico. Reading features, we realized that this model is not worse than the previous. In General, very difficult because all the bikes are good quality, the child will simply learn to ride. In addition, the materials are easy to clean, the view is refreshed long. The prices of all models are not too different, and this purchase our family was able to overpower. Chose the bike green, "Princess" decided to change his mind.
Daughter a few months to come to pass 3 years we have bought size 14 inches. Riding happy for three weeks. I really hope that the bike will last a long time. In the shop We have provided a guarantee, so you can not worry.