Simple exercises to strengthen veins
Diseases associated with chronic venous insufficiency can be avoided by using simple preventive measures, which is the basis for the motion. Exercises improve the flow of blood in the veins and, therefore, stimulates microcirculation and prevents the appearance of inflammation.
Twenty six million four hundred forty six thousand six hundred fifty seven
Standing up
Ninety eight million six hundred thirty thousand seven hundred two
Lying on the back
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: //vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_5748
Twenty six million four hundred forty six thousand six hundred fifty seven
Standing up
- Stand straight, feet in a straight line. Rise up on your toes and slowly lower yourself. Repeat 20-30 times. Now spread your toes apart, and the heels put together. Again, 20-30 lifting on socks. Repeat the same with reduced toes and heels divorced.
- Walk on the spot, without taking socks from the floor.
- Feet together, hands at his sides. On a slow exhale pull the shoulders back. On the inhale, loosen them and tilt your head forward.
- Original position – the same. On inhale raise your arms up and stand on your toes. On the exhale return to starting position.
- Original position – the same. On inhale raise your arms up and stand on your toes. On the exhale, lift your leg so that you were in a pose "swallow". Same with the other leg.
Ninety eight million six hundred thirty thousand seven hundred two
Lying on the back
- Bend your knees and pedal an imaginary bike.
- Bend your knees, put foot on the chair seat. Alternately bend and unbend it right, then the left foot.
- Original position – the same. Rotate the feet and lower legs left and right, without lifting them from the chair.
- The hands – along the body. Lift up the straight leg and rotate the foot from left to right, then from themselves and for themselves.
- With your feet together. Slow stick on the blades, legs apart, wave them and return to starting position.
- With your feet together. On the inhale bend your left leg and pull your knee toward your chest. On the exhale straighten it vertically up and down. Repeat with the right foot.
- Don't stop lifting from the floor, bend feet in knees, hands put on hips. On the inhale lift the head and the body, the hands reach to the knees or over them. On the exhale slowly return to starting position.
- Arms down along the body, bend your knees without lifting your feet off the floor. Slowly exhaling, draw the belly breathing – inflate it.
- First, the exercises are performed on the left side, then on the right side.
Legs straight. Leaning on left hand, put your right foot on the floor in front of left knee and grab the right hand lower leg. Left foot bend over and lift the left leg. Slowly lower. Perform 5-10 times. - Legs straight, lean on the left elbow, the palm of both hands on the floor. Bend the left leg and the right pull up and bend in the foot, as far as possible by pulling the fingertips on myself. Straining the foot and raise your right hand up, then slowly lower it, but don't put it on the floor. Repeat 10-15 times.
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: //vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_5748
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