21 point on the feet, massage which improves health
Eighty two million fifty six thousand one hundred eighty three
Our feet are the areas of projection of many internal organs, influencing on which we can improve the health.
The website will show the most important points and tell them how to massage, always to feel at 100.
And right and left foot are divided into 5 zones, which are formed by 4 lines. Each area on the foot corresponds to certain areas on the body and located in these organs.
The location and importance of hotspots on both feet is identical. Projection of paired organs (e.g., eyes) are respectively the right and left feet.
Pixel values in the left and right feet differ.The area of the projection of the heart on the left foot, it is recommended to massage when a strong emotion and stress.
The values of the points located on right and left feet are different.
The value and position of the points in this part of the foot is the same for left and right feet.
The point of the last zone is also identical in location and znacheniye for right and left foot.
Photos on the preview depositphotos
See also
A simple guide that will make you a Pro in massage
5 points of our body that control the body
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-nauka/5-aktivnyh-tochek-na-ladonyah-kotorye-upravlyayut-organizmom-1303465/
Our feet are the areas of projection of many internal organs, influencing on which we can improve the health.
The website will show the most important points and tell them how to massage, always to feel at 100.
- Massaging the feet is recommended as a whole, not individual points. Initially, the feet need to stretch and warm up: walk barefoot, climb a few times on his toes, make a warm foot bath.
- RUB the whole foot strokes, then start to put pressure on each active point (3-7 seconds), moving from the toes to the heel. Also, use techniques such as extrusion (for massage of the fingers), tapping (hand), pinching, kneading.
- In the process, you may find the pain points. This means that the bodies for which they are responsible, not fine. Massaging these points need special care.
- The technique of influence on the painful area — the pressure (thumb), which should be alternated with pauses, and the whole process should take less than a minute. The result of properly conducted massage — the disappearance of pain.
- For massage, there are the following contraindications: high fever, impaired blood coagulation, exacerbation of chronic diseases, deep scratches or injuries on the surface of the feet.
And right and left foot are divided into 5 zones, which are formed by 4 lines. Each area on the foot corresponds to certain areas on the body and located in these organs.
The location and importance of hotspots on both feet is identical. Projection of paired organs (e.g., eyes) are respectively the right and left feet.
Pixel values in the left and right feet differ.The area of the projection of the heart on the left foot, it is recommended to massage when a strong emotion and stress.
The values of the points located on right and left feet are different.
The value and position of the points in this part of the foot is the same for left and right feet.
The point of the last zone is also identical in location and znacheniye for right and left foot.
Photos on the preview depositphotos
See also
A simple guide that will make you a Pro in massage
5 points of our body that control the body
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-nauka/5-aktivnyh-tochek-na-ladonyah-kotorye-upravlyayut-organizmom-1303465/
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