8 foods that you should not substitute similar
Twenty eight million nine hundred ninety seven thousand one hundred forty nine
Some products are so similar that they seem identical. But, it turns out, in our body, it can influence in very different ways.
We Site we offer you to use this information the next time you go shopping.
Seventy seven million six hundred forty nine thousand nine hundred seventy seven
The Turkey meat has less calories, cholesterol and saturated fat. The Turkey is easier digested and absolutely hypoallergenic. And even Turkey contains more vitamins A, B, E, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, so cooking can use less salt. In one Turkey plays chicken price and availability: the chicken is cheaper and easier to find in a regular store.
Ninety two million four hundred thirty seven thousand eight hundred forty three
The beef contains more protein than meat of an adult animal. Fats in beef are much less than in beef, but it can be a drawback, as such meat is harder to cook so that it is juicy and soft.
Thirty six million eight hundred three thousand three hundred sixty one
Broccoli is a subspecies of the cauliflower, but its nutritious value is much higher. In broccoli contains more vitamins A, C, K, but at the same time it is more calories than cauliflower. Dishes with broccoli are rich and with more pronounced flavor and less mushy in the cooking process.
Seventy one million thirty four thousand seven hundred sixty six
Sunflower oil is cheaper than olive, the smell of which is not loved by many people. Besides, olive oil is pretty fast burning. In terms of calorific value of these oils is approximately equal. But in the composition of olive oil are phytosterols, which block the accumulation of cholesterol.
Sixty three million six hundred seventy seven thousand seven hundred thirteen
Both cereals made from wheat, with differences only in the method of processing. Grain for couscous is crushed to the size of the semolina, and then, sbryzgivaja water, roll in flour. And for the bulgur grains are first steamed and then crushed — with this method of treatment in the rump remains more nutrients and vitamins.
Twenty eight million nine hundred ninety eight thousand nine hundred
The juice of white grapes promotes better absorption of iron. But in the dark grapes contain anthocyanin is an antioxidant that helps to fight with diabetes, neurological, cardiac and even cancer.
Seventy six million eleven thousand four hundred seventeen
An orange contains more vitamins A, B, C, E, K and retinol. Taste the tangerine more sweet, but it does mean that it contains more sugar, so people who care about their health, it is better to choose orange, slightly sour and bitter taste.
Sixty four million six hundred ninety nine thousand seven hundred fifty nine
Black pepper is produced from unripe fruit of the climbing plant: scald them quickly in warm water, and then dried. Red pepper more pungent than black, so it is better not to use people with problems of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore it is better to choose black, which is less pungent and has a very fragrant aroma.
Photos on the preview depositphotos.com
See also
6 pairs of products that just pretend to be the same
7 foods that are better to avoid in the supermarket
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-kuhnya/7-produktov-kotorye-nelzya-pokupat-v-supermarkete-1503565/
Some products are so similar that they seem identical. But, it turns out, in our body, it can influence in very different ways.
We Site we offer you to use this information the next time you go shopping.
Seventy seven million six hundred forty nine thousand nine hundred seventy seven
The Turkey meat has less calories, cholesterol and saturated fat. The Turkey is easier digested and absolutely hypoallergenic. And even Turkey contains more vitamins A, B, E, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, so cooking can use less salt. In one Turkey plays chicken price and availability: the chicken is cheaper and easier to find in a regular store.
Ninety two million four hundred thirty seven thousand eight hundred forty three
The beef contains more protein than meat of an adult animal. Fats in beef are much less than in beef, but it can be a drawback, as such meat is harder to cook so that it is juicy and soft.
Thirty six million eight hundred three thousand three hundred sixty one
Broccoli is a subspecies of the cauliflower, but its nutritious value is much higher. In broccoli contains more vitamins A, C, K, but at the same time it is more calories than cauliflower. Dishes with broccoli are rich and with more pronounced flavor and less mushy in the cooking process.
Seventy one million thirty four thousand seven hundred sixty six
Sunflower oil is cheaper than olive, the smell of which is not loved by many people. Besides, olive oil is pretty fast burning. In terms of calorific value of these oils is approximately equal. But in the composition of olive oil are phytosterols, which block the accumulation of cholesterol.
Sixty three million six hundred seventy seven thousand seven hundred thirteen
Both cereals made from wheat, with differences only in the method of processing. Grain for couscous is crushed to the size of the semolina, and then, sbryzgivaja water, roll in flour. And for the bulgur grains are first steamed and then crushed — with this method of treatment in the rump remains more nutrients and vitamins.
Twenty eight million nine hundred ninety eight thousand nine hundred
The juice of white grapes promotes better absorption of iron. But in the dark grapes contain anthocyanin is an antioxidant that helps to fight with diabetes, neurological, cardiac and even cancer.
Seventy six million eleven thousand four hundred seventeen
An orange contains more vitamins A, B, C, E, K and retinol. Taste the tangerine more sweet, but it does mean that it contains more sugar, so people who care about their health, it is better to choose orange, slightly sour and bitter taste.
Sixty four million six hundred ninety nine thousand seven hundred fifty nine
Black pepper is produced from unripe fruit of the climbing plant: scald them quickly in warm water, and then dried. Red pepper more pungent than black, so it is better not to use people with problems of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore it is better to choose black, which is less pungent and has a very fragrant aroma.
Photos on the preview depositphotos.com
See also
6 pairs of products that just pretend to be the same
7 foods that are better to avoid in the supermarket
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-kuhnya/7-produktov-kotorye-nelzya-pokupat-v-supermarkete-1503565/
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