10 jokes from cartoons that only parents laughed at

Parents often have to watch children's cartoons, and so that they do not get bored at all, the filmmakers insert jokes into them that will be understandable only to adults.
Website I collected 10 moments from my favorite cartoons, which so amused my dad and mom, but the kids were left bewildered.
Shrek (2001)

Let's start. Lord Farquad Lord Farquaad, to whom the green orc was to deliver the princess in exchange for a quiet life in his swamp. So, if you quickly pronounce "Lord Farquad", then in English, the original language, you can hear a very indecent curse (Lord F***wad).
There is also a joke about Lord Farquad’s castle. Shrek and the donkey came into the Lord's possession. Seeing the tall tower of Farquad Castle, Shrek told his friend the donkey: “Do you think he’s trying to make up for it?” ? The donkey, by the way, didn't get the sense of the joke.
Road to El Dorado (2000)

In the plot, the fraudsters Tullo and Miguel find themselves in the magnificent City of Gold. There, Tullo meets a beautiful girl, the joy of communicating with whom is expressed too ambiguous for a children's cartoon. In one scene This couple makes some strange sounds, after which the audience sees the frightened face of the girl and the happy face of Tullo. with ruffled hair. What it was, the filmmakers offer to decide to the best of their ... awareness.
Madagascar (2005)

When animals who have escaped from the zoo find themselves on the island of Madagascar, the lion Alex begins to hallucinate because of long starvation. That's why his friend, Marty's zebra, begins to seem appetizing to Alex. As soon as Marty realizes that a friend wants to eat him, he runs away from the lion with a cry that at first glance makes no sense.Sugar Honey Iced Tea (Sugar Honey Iced Tea) But if you read these words in English and add the first letters of each word, you get a common expletive, which the writers prudently encrypted.
Toy Story 2 (1999)

In this part, Jesse appears - a charming toy of a cowboy girl, who at the end of the cartoon becomes part of a large and friendly family of toys belonging to the boy Andy. When one of the main characters, Buzz Lighter, first meets Jesse, the wings of his suit pop out from behind against the will of the ownerLike a heart that jumps out of its chest. Or something else, as spoiled parents thought, who accurately appreciated the joke.
Ratatouille (2007)

In one of the scenes of the cartoon, young Lingwini tries to explain to Colette (the girl he loves) that all these divine dishes were cooked not by him, but by his little friend, the rat Remy. But it is not very convincing, because His confused "little truth" speech he's been hiding for so long, and strange gestures make Colette thinkIs there a maniac in her suitors? The girl's thoughts can be easily guessed by her face.
Cars (2006)

After the race, Lightning is driven by a large truck. On the way, they meet a road sign with the name of the restaurant “Top Down Truckstop”, which literally translates as “Without the top: a stop for trucks”. On the second, less noticeable sign can be read. "All convertible waitresses" means "waiting machines with removable roof". Adult viewers could easily draw an analogy with the world of people.
Cold Heart (2013)

Christophe asks Princess Anne about the prince she is going to marry. The guy asks the girl tricky questions that should show how well she knows the lover. For example, what is the color of the eyes, what is the name of his best friend andWhat -- the size of his leg. To which Anna replies, "The size of the leg doesn't matter.". A joke for adults, which, despite its beating, made the female half of the hall laugh.
Aladdin and the King of Thieves (1996)

In the third cartoon about the adventures of Aladdin, the protagonist and the beautiful Jasmine finally get married. Just during the wedding, the palace is attacked, the earth shakes, and Ginny says: "I didn’t expect an earthquake before the honeymoon.. "What is he talking about?" the children thought, and the adults grinned at the funny joke.
Hercules (1997)

On Olympus joy, a real holiday - the heir to Zeus and Hera, little Hercules, was born. And this is what Hermes says when he looks at this feast: "I haven't seen so much love in one place since Narcissus knew himself.. This is a joke that can confuse even parents.
Zootopia (2016)

Judy, a cheerful bunny cop, calculates the size of the fine, which threatens the swindler fox Nick. After voicing the amount, she says: "I may be just a stupid rabbit, but we rabbits are good at multiplication.(In English, multiplication is multiplying, which has a second meaning: reproduction.) As they say, the reaction of the fox is invaluable, because he did not expect to hear such an ambiguous joke from a cute bunny.
Photo from Pixar Animation Studios
Based on screenrant.com
See also.
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