The story about how I was in the barbershop disgraced
Sixty three million nine hundred ninety thousand two hundred eighty nine
Near me opened a Barber shop. Once after work I decided to look there. Nice interior, polite staff — all that I so appreciate in such establishments. I really liked the wizard, so after a while I decided to go to her again. This time the lady at the reception did not remain silent and asked me:
In your last visit, I forgot to clarify: why are you still decided to go to a male salon to get a haircut?
Honestly, the question I am stumped:
— In what other men's salon?
— We even from the title — "Just Men" ("men Only").
At school I studied French, so in English, even the alphabet do not really know. So I read the name of the Barber shop as "Jasmine". We laughed that night of the soul. Now I'm the only customer in the Barber shop.
via factroom.ru
Near me opened a Barber shop. Once after work I decided to look there. Nice interior, polite staff — all that I so appreciate in such establishments. I really liked the wizard, so after a while I decided to go to her again. This time the lady at the reception did not remain silent and asked me:
In your last visit, I forgot to clarify: why are you still decided to go to a male salon to get a haircut?
Honestly, the question I am stumped:
— In what other men's salon?
— We even from the title — "Just Men" ("men Only").
At school I studied French, so in English, even the alphabet do not really know. So I read the name of the Barber shop as "Jasmine". We laughed that night of the soul. Now I'm the only customer in the Barber shop.
via factroom.ru
Can you make this inequality true by adding only one line?
Great story about the unselfish love of the Russian language