13 photos that tells my life and what I do
Ninety one million seven hundred forty five thousand five hundred fifty nine
Agree, if we often listened to the signals that life sends us, many of us have lived a lot easier and more fun. However, laziness, skepticism and a sense of humor sometimes prevent a person to act logically.
Site decided to dream up on the subject of human reactions to various signs of destiny.
Life: "You need to become more serious."I:
Life: "Try to seem sober."I:
Life: "You have to learn to communicate with people."I:
Life: "do Not go where you should not".I:
Life: "Go to the dream, not noticing the obstacles."I:
Life: "Time to get ready for work."I:
Life: "don't be so closed!"I
Life: "You're a girl, you need to be more feminine".I:
Life: "Start to eat healthy products".I:
Life: "it's Time to think about the children".I:
Life: "Hey, come on bored, come on cheer up!"I
Life: "set a goal. Go to her. Not give up!"I
Life: "Enough to follow the life of his former!"I
Photos on the preview imgur
See also
Nothing human is not alien to animals
That's life, baby!
33 ironic fact about our life in graphs
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-hudozhniki/33-ironichnyh-fakta-o-nashej-zhizni-v-grafikah-672205/
Agree, if we often listened to the signals that life sends us, many of us have lived a lot easier and more fun. However, laziness, skepticism and a sense of humor sometimes prevent a person to act logically.
Site decided to dream up on the subject of human reactions to various signs of destiny.
Life: "You need to become more serious."I:
Life: "Try to seem sober."I:
Life: "You have to learn to communicate with people."I:
Life: "do Not go where you should not".I:
Life: "Go to the dream, not noticing the obstacles."I:
Life: "Time to get ready for work."I:
Life: "don't be so closed!"I
Life: "You're a girl, you need to be more feminine".I:
Life: "Start to eat healthy products".I:
Life: "it's Time to think about the children".I:
Life: "Hey, come on bored, come on cheer up!"I
Life: "set a goal. Go to her. Not give up!"I
Life: "Enough to follow the life of his former!"I
Photos on the preview imgur
See also
Nothing human is not alien to animals
That's life, baby!
33 ironic fact about our life in graphs
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-hudozhniki/33-ironichnyh-fakta-o-nashej-zhizni-v-grafikah-672205/
13, in which during the operation something went wrong
12 parts, which you need to pay attention to brilliant to understand fashion