Fairy tower Ural blacksmith Sergei Kirillov
In the village of Kunar, Sverdlovsk region, Nevyansk district, is unbelievably amazing rural house. This house is the handiwork of the Ural blacksmith of God, Sergei Kirillov.
Sixteen million five hundred fifty seven thousand ninety nine
Many people who saw this house the impression that it was created by the hand of the child. Decorated with sculptures of pioneers, animals and birds, painted with colored inks, it was created in Soviet times, but leaves absolutely unreal, fabulous experience.
Nineteen million six hundred ninety one thousand five hundred thirty
Here you can see doves, flowers, grooms with brides, kittens, crosses, churches, coat of arms of the USSR, riders on horseback thousands of other different cute figures, and the inscription: "fly, doves, Fly. For you anywhere is no obstacle. Wear, pigeons, and bring the peoples of the world our Hello!", "Let there always be sunshine. Let there always be sky, may there always be Mama, may there always be me." And at the highest point of the roof – "peace – peace".
Thirty two million six hundred seventy one thousand four hundred thirty one
On the road leading from Yekaterinburg in Nevyansk near the house Kirillov remained black wide stripe erased rubber. This track from the wheels of thousands of cars. The drivers sitting behind their steering wheel and saw the tower, could not hit the brakes. And many people specifically travel from Yekaterinburg in Nevyansk here to see this "man-made miracle" of Russian architecture.
Nine million seven hundred fifty eight thousand eight hundred forty four
Blacksmith Sergey Ivanovich Kirillov died a few years ago. But personally knew the master people who are sure that his soul was as positive and joyful as this house.
After the master's death continued to live in the house his widow Lydia Kharitonova, which is more than 82 years. As far as forces caring for the miracle house and willingly shows it to visiting tourists, whose number is growing from year to year. The entrance to the estate, she locks up. The gate and doors instead of the iron castle there is a special button: you push the door open, and anyone can go to the yard. Despite this, still no one raised a hand to Rob a house.
Thirty two million five hundred fourteen thousand nine hundred sixty eight
Lydia Kharitonova recalls: "We were married in 1951, settled in the house Serijnogo grandfather. 2 years after the wedding, the house looked – we started to align. Since this all began. Sergei before the house leveled, then did the shutters are new, then made the frames, put the carved gate, and off we go. So all my life on this house and worked.
Ninety five million five hundred thirty six thousand six hundred ninety three
– Where he learned the blacksmith trade?
– Yes not studied anywhere else. It has only 3 years of education. And the relatives had no such crafty was not. In the 41st, his father went to war and never returned, his mother died. On the left I have a younger sister and brother. It was necessary to live-to survive – had to go to the blacksmith apprentice.
Fifty one million nine hundred sixty three thousand four hundred sixty two
Sergey Kirillov until his death was the only blacksmith in the village. Worked on the farm, and the house made his own workshop. Came back from work, right in there. Worked until 12 at night, we got up this morning at 4 am. If one of the neighbors asked to do something – anything not denied. And on weekends at weddings of villagers, the accordion played.
Four million four hundred eighty four thousand six hundred eighty six
Around the house Kirillov twice the fire raged. Burned a nearby building. But the miracle of the house remained unhurt. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: //only-most.ru/?p=955
Sixteen million five hundred fifty seven thousand ninety nine
Many people who saw this house the impression that it was created by the hand of the child. Decorated with sculptures of pioneers, animals and birds, painted with colored inks, it was created in Soviet times, but leaves absolutely unreal, fabulous experience.
Nineteen million six hundred ninety one thousand five hundred thirty
Here you can see doves, flowers, grooms with brides, kittens, crosses, churches, coat of arms of the USSR, riders on horseback thousands of other different cute figures, and the inscription: "fly, doves, Fly. For you anywhere is no obstacle. Wear, pigeons, and bring the peoples of the world our Hello!", "Let there always be sunshine. Let there always be sky, may there always be Mama, may there always be me." And at the highest point of the roof – "peace – peace".
Thirty two million six hundred seventy one thousand four hundred thirty one
On the road leading from Yekaterinburg in Nevyansk near the house Kirillov remained black wide stripe erased rubber. This track from the wheels of thousands of cars. The drivers sitting behind their steering wheel and saw the tower, could not hit the brakes. And many people specifically travel from Yekaterinburg in Nevyansk here to see this "man-made miracle" of Russian architecture.
Nine million seven hundred fifty eight thousand eight hundred forty four
Blacksmith Sergey Ivanovich Kirillov died a few years ago. But personally knew the master people who are sure that his soul was as positive and joyful as this house.
After the master's death continued to live in the house his widow Lydia Kharitonova, which is more than 82 years. As far as forces caring for the miracle house and willingly shows it to visiting tourists, whose number is growing from year to year. The entrance to the estate, she locks up. The gate and doors instead of the iron castle there is a special button: you push the door open, and anyone can go to the yard. Despite this, still no one raised a hand to Rob a house.
Thirty two million five hundred fourteen thousand nine hundred sixty eight
Lydia Kharitonova recalls: "We were married in 1951, settled in the house Serijnogo grandfather. 2 years after the wedding, the house looked – we started to align. Since this all began. Sergei before the house leveled, then did the shutters are new, then made the frames, put the carved gate, and off we go. So all my life on this house and worked.
Ninety five million five hundred thirty six thousand six hundred ninety three
– Where he learned the blacksmith trade?
– Yes not studied anywhere else. It has only 3 years of education. And the relatives had no such crafty was not. In the 41st, his father went to war and never returned, his mother died. On the left I have a younger sister and brother. It was necessary to live-to survive – had to go to the blacksmith apprentice.
Fifty one million nine hundred sixty three thousand four hundred sixty two
Sergey Kirillov until his death was the only blacksmith in the village. Worked on the farm, and the house made his own workshop. Came back from work, right in there. Worked until 12 at night, we got up this morning at 4 am. If one of the neighbors asked to do something – anything not denied. And on weekends at weddings of villagers, the accordion played.
Four million four hundred eighty four thousand six hundred eighty six
Around the house Kirillov twice the fire raged. Burned a nearby building. But the miracle of the house remained unhurt. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: //only-most.ru/?p=955