First there was life, and then - the memory and glory.
Shaakhmed Shamakhmudov (1890-1970) and his wife Bahri Akramova (b. 1903) lived in Tashkent and worked as a blacksmith in the farm to them. Thalmann. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War Shaakhmed (Simplified - Ahmed) Shamakhmudov and his wife Bahri took Akramova foster and adopted 15 children who have lost parents and evacuees during the war in Tashkent.
Legend Tashkent - Shoahmed Shomahmudov Bahari with his wife and children are drinking tea. 1941.
7 photo.
In one 1943 Shamakhmudov old blacksmith became the father of four children. The children had all different nationalities and different names: Paradise Maltsev - Belarusian, Malik Islamov - Tatar, Russian Vladimir Urusov, and the fourth son of a blacksmith - a nameless boy of two of unknown origin. Shamakhmudov he gave him the name - Nogmat, which means "gift».
Little boy puts on shoes order all members of a large family.
During the war, Bahri and Akramova Shaakhmed Shamakhmudov took into their family and 15 other people's children to grow them.
Shamakhmudov the name of one of the streets of Tashkent.
Shamakhmudov family was awarded the Order "Badge of Honor". B. Akramova also awarded the title "Heroine Mother". Shamakhmudov were the prototypes of the main characters of the novel Rahmat Faizi "His Majesty the Man," the feature film, "You are not an orphan." The film, "You are not an orphan" in 1964 in Leningrad Film Festival won the award for Best Screenplay (Robert Faizi). In 1972, the movie "You are not an orphan" (dir. S. S. Abbasov) becomes a laureate of Lenin Komsomol of Uzbekistan. Two years later, the winner of the State Prize of the Uzbek SSR. Hamza.
May 26, 1982 in Tashkent in the area known as the "Friendship of Peoples" was a monument to the family Shamakhmudov - Monument of Friendship of Peoples. Sculptor DB Ryabichev architects LT Adamov, SR Adylov. The monument symbolizes the feat Tashkent Shamakhmudov family who adopted during the Great Patriotic War, 15 orphaned children from different republics of the USSR. In the center of the monument is a sculpture, embodying the family blacksmith Shamakhmudov.
Heroine Mother Bahri Akramova (fourth from right) and the blacksmith Shaakhmed Shamakhmudov (right).
About family Shamakhmudov, in Soviet times was known throughout the Soviet Union. Since the beginning of the war of Uzbekistan received more than a million were evacuated, including more than 200 thousand. Children who have lost parents. The Republic took out the whole orphanage. Through the children's evacuation center at the Tashkent railway station each day passes from 200 to 400 orphans.
Family Tashkent blacksmith at the dining table 1943.
At the urging of women in Tashkent, the mass movement on the adoption of children, many of whom did not remember anything about himself. In their minds were just bombs exploding, sirens, the death of loved ones. Age determined by the physician, and the names are often allowed to have new parents. People came to meet the families of trains and the station has returned to the adoptive sons and daughters.
Shaakhmed-aka (right), his wife Bahri-up (center) and daughter of one of the children whom the couple adopted and was adopted during the Second World War.
Thousands of families have followed Shamakhmudov giving shelter to Russian, Belarusians, Moldovans, Ukrainians, Latvians, Kazakhs, Tatars. Patronage of the orphans were taken even institutions in Uzbekistan grew sons of collective farms, parks, tram, hairdressers, bakeries.
Shaakhmed Shamakhmudov Smith and his wife Bahrihon with adopted during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, children and grandchildren.
Legend Tashkent - Shoahmed Shomahmudov Bahari with his wife and children are drinking tea. 1941.
7 photo.

In one 1943 Shamakhmudov old blacksmith became the father of four children. The children had all different nationalities and different names: Paradise Maltsev - Belarusian, Malik Islamov - Tatar, Russian Vladimir Urusov, and the fourth son of a blacksmith - a nameless boy of two of unknown origin. Shamakhmudov he gave him the name - Nogmat, which means "gift».
Little boy puts on shoes order all members of a large family.

During the war, Bahri and Akramova Shaakhmed Shamakhmudov took into their family and 15 other people's children to grow them.
Shamakhmudov the name of one of the streets of Tashkent.
Shamakhmudov family was awarded the Order "Badge of Honor". B. Akramova also awarded the title "Heroine Mother". Shamakhmudov were the prototypes of the main characters of the novel Rahmat Faizi "His Majesty the Man," the feature film, "You are not an orphan." The film, "You are not an orphan" in 1964 in Leningrad Film Festival won the award for Best Screenplay (Robert Faizi). In 1972, the movie "You are not an orphan" (dir. S. S. Abbasov) becomes a laureate of Lenin Komsomol of Uzbekistan. Two years later, the winner of the State Prize of the Uzbek SSR. Hamza.
May 26, 1982 in Tashkent in the area known as the "Friendship of Peoples" was a monument to the family Shamakhmudov - Monument of Friendship of Peoples. Sculptor DB Ryabichev architects LT Adamov, SR Adylov. The monument symbolizes the feat Tashkent Shamakhmudov family who adopted during the Great Patriotic War, 15 orphaned children from different republics of the USSR. In the center of the monument is a sculpture, embodying the family blacksmith Shamakhmudov.
Heroine Mother Bahri Akramova (fourth from right) and the blacksmith Shaakhmed Shamakhmudov (right).

About family Shamakhmudov, in Soviet times was known throughout the Soviet Union. Since the beginning of the war of Uzbekistan received more than a million were evacuated, including more than 200 thousand. Children who have lost parents. The Republic took out the whole orphanage. Through the children's evacuation center at the Tashkent railway station each day passes from 200 to 400 orphans.
Family Tashkent blacksmith at the dining table 1943.

At the urging of women in Tashkent, the mass movement on the adoption of children, many of whom did not remember anything about himself. In their minds were just bombs exploding, sirens, the death of loved ones. Age determined by the physician, and the names are often allowed to have new parents. People came to meet the families of trains and the station has returned to the adoptive sons and daughters.
Shaakhmed-aka (right), his wife Bahri-up (center) and daughter of one of the children whom the couple adopted and was adopted during the Second World War.

Thousands of families have followed Shamakhmudov giving shelter to Russian, Belarusians, Moldovans, Ukrainians, Latvians, Kazakhs, Tatars. Patronage of the orphans were taken even institutions in Uzbekistan grew sons of collective farms, parks, tram, hairdressers, bakeries.
Shaakhmed Shamakhmudov Smith and his wife Bahrihon with adopted during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, children and grandchildren.