3 simple rules that will forever save you from misunderstandings in relationships

Over time, almost all pairs there comes a time when the partners cease to carefully monitor the words and begin to repel each other ill-considered phrase.
The website decided to find out how you can easily keep the warmth in the relationship and not to bring everything to a breakup. It turns out, just follow the 3 simple rules of communication.
Speaking about their desires, eliminate the particle "not"

The particle "not" has the ability to give some claims a negative connotation. Therefore it is not necessary to use it,talking about what you want. To the same partner after such phrases difficult to understand how to proceed, because he has a lot of behaviors.
- Bad: "I don't want you to control me".
- Good: "I want you to trust me".

This will privileged simple, but you have a long way to go to get used to such replacement. However, the efforts are worth it, because this rule will help to switch the communication with the regime verbally duel in cooperation mode. Feel the difference yourself:
- Bad: "I understand you, but want you to understand me".
- Good: "I understand you and I want you to understand me too".

Have you ever noticed that some people even during the praise people manage to Express their dissatisfaction? The problem is that the human brain itself is so arranged: he actively responds to bad. Therefore, if you want someone to praise, try not to mix in one pot the compliments and criticism.
- Bad: "the Dinner was delicious, not that yesterday."
- Good: "Thank you, dinner was delicious!"
Illustrator Natalia Kulakova specifically for the Website
According to the materials of Psychology Today
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via www.adme.ru/svoboda-psihologiya/5-rokovyh-oshibok-kotorye-mogut-stoit-vam-otnoshenij-1457965/
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