17 kids who already knew how to behave in this world

Ninety million three hundred forty seven thousand four hundred one

Children grasp everything on the fly and know how to navigate even the most unexpected situations.

Site gathered 17 pictures of those who have already definitely understand something in this life.

Obviously, he will succeed

Welcome to the real world

Not allowed to take food into the living room and the tablet. I give up, he broke the system

I let 3-year-old daughter to cook dinner. She put sweet corn on cold pizza. The student has surpassed the teacher

When he decided suddenly to understand the world

May you have someone who will look at you like he looks at this potato

Told them to add fruit to the cereal. They added the gum, because it's Apple, and an Apple is a fruit

Brought to class nephew's cake in honor of his birthday. What he said, "Why? I do not like these children"

Me: Who broke the table?!My 5-year-old: I'm pretty sure he always looked

He asked me to give him candy, but I just eat them. Because of this, he was staring at me throughout the flight

A card from my 11 year old granddaughter

This guy dressed like his mom to get your selected on the classroom phone

In the fountain in front of the shopping centre, the child scuba diving. I have all

My 3 year old son "accidentally" unwound an entire roll of toilet paper. But don't worry, he already "fixed"

I did the make-up of his 6-year-old niece. And then she did the makeup for me

The manual from my 4-year-old son for those who can't eat an entire pizza, but I don't want to share

This child was 7 minutes, and I think he's already sick of this life by the throat

Photos on the preview CallMeHuss/twitter

See also
12 evidence that children's logic wins adult
17 notes from the children, who were taught to always tell the truth

via www.adme.ru/zhizn-semya/n-zapisok-ot-detej-kotoryh-uchili-vsegda-govorit-pravdu-1372565/


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