13 most intelligent and friendly breeds of cats

Cats are one of our favorite pets. Almost everyone wants to have a playful kitten and a furry friend in the house, but sometimes it is very difficult to decide on the choice of breed.
Therefore Website Shares a list of the most affectionate and smart cats who easily find a common language with children and other animals.
Exotic Shorthair Cat
Do you want a pet that won’t get off your hands? This oneA calm and affectionate cat will never refuse to sleep well in the arms of a loving owner.. This cat does not allow everyone to approach him and looks at strangers for a long time, but if he decided that you are trustworthy, he will love you and strive for communication, whether you like it or not.
British Longhaired Cat
The best breed of cat for children. They love these fluffy things that can be squeezed without fear for their hands. They are calm and confident, and their patient and kind nature makes them quite lazy. You can easily make friends with a dog or other pet.. They remember their belongings perfectly and do not like it when someone other than the adored owner touches their toys, touches their bed or, God forbid, eats from their bowl!
Unlike exotic shorthairs, Abyssinian Very active. They are very mobile like little children.. They are very curious, sticking their nose everywhere. Slippers, of course, they will not bring you, but an abandoned toy is easy! They will also be happy to participate with you in all household activities.
Russian Blue Cat
They love to play and be part of everything they do. Follow him on his heels, during the day actively play and participate in all family affairs, sleep next to him at night. They do not need to be slapped and slapped all the time. They are wary of strangers, but, recognizing in their man, they are devoted to him all their lives.
Burmese cat
Excellent nannies from the cat family, have unusual patience and do not show aggression at all. They are very active and inquisitive, but not excessively so don’t worry. Meow only on business. Their short coat does not require special care. They can lie on your lap for hours and listen to everything you say.
Siamese cat
The character is very similar to the Burmese (they also thirst for communication), but they also have a distinctive feature. increased curiosity. They are truly kind and gentle, but they cannot be forced to do anything, otherwise they can take revenge. Like Siberian cats, Siamese choose a single owner in the family, so if you take a kitten for your baby, it is the child who should care for the pet the most.
Somali cat
They are very active, they love to play and do it with anyone who shows interest. The high level of energy and attention makes this breed ideal for training. Although they love the attention of others, they are not happy to receive it from other pets.
These intelligent, quick-witted cats are easily trained, like to play port, drive in a car, they can be walked on a leash. They are sociable, get along well with other animals living in the house. If you have a dog, the savannah will be a great friend.
Singapore cat
A distinctive feature of this breed is the black tip of the tail, a relatively small size and huge beautiful eyes. They are very calm, intelligent and at the same time active. These cats by nature love company and get along with absolutely everyone.
Ragdoll means “rag doll”. They do not scratch or bite, but, like a tail, follow the owner on his heels. This calm breed is one of the best cat options for children. Strongly attached to the owner, do not tolerate loneliness and are smart enoughTo understand the intonation and get used to the toilet.
Bengal cat
Bengals. Smart, active, playful, very friendly and social cats that crave human companionship. Curious and mischievous partygoers, they like to play in the water and with the water: sink, bath or toilet are Bengals' favorite places of entertainment.
Burmese cat
Real ladies, calm and with good manners. They can play and frolic, but it is worth picking up, they instantly relax, with pleasure taking caresses of the owner.Burmas are extremely obedient cats that will not hooliganize on trifles and will not demand attention if you are busy with something..
They are smart, friendly, easy to learn. Despite their rather threatening appearance and huge size, Maine Coons are incredibly affectionate animals that easily take root in any family. These cats are really nice to deal with.Excellent companions in travel, very easily get used to the leash and can even learn several commands.
Photo by preview snoopybabe, smoothiethecat
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